What a time to be a Power Rangers fan. A certain number of years ago, the thought of more seasons of the show would have seemed farfetched, let alone the release of a feature-length film, a live streaming show, an addictive mobile game, and a successful line of ongoing comics to add on top of […]
In the future, weapons will both inflict and treat the damage they deal to their targets. There’s something different about the next destination for the time-tossed heroes of Power Rangers HyperForce. The Twitch roleplay series rolls forward with more fun traipsing about the Power Rangers multiverse, now crossing over with the likes of the much-beloved […]
Super Robot Vesper Team Hyper Force, Go! It’s a family affair on this episode of Power Rangers HyperForce. Traipsing through time, this new team of live roleplaying heroes have made it back to their place of origin, where they quickly come into contact with more links to the legacy sparked by 2001’s Power Rangers Time […]
Here’s a little something to jam to while waiting for your next fix when it comes to the heroes of the tokusatsu world. From Kamen Rider to Super Sentai to Power Rangers, Youtuber Studio Megaane has been delivering one nostalgic twist after another on the special-effects shows we at Henshin Justice Unlimited hold most dear. […]
There’s a simple explanation for that. The Time Force Silver Ranger is just one of many special appearances in recent episodes of Power Rangers HyperForce as the streamsters at Hyper RPG are in the midst of celebrating their second anniversary. The time-bending story continues to unfold for this new team of heroes in Twitch’s live […]
Actor Yoshi Sudarso returns for his second appearance on Power Rangers HyperForce. Originally appearing as the immortal caveman superhero Koda from Power Rangers Dino Charge, he now solidifies his place among the new world-saving cast of this live roleplaying game show on Twitch. He rejoins his brother Peter Sudarso (Preston, the current Power Rangers Super […]
The New York Toy Fair is currently in full swing. This is the time when companies create booths and give presentations to the press to show up what direction they are heading and what toys are coming out for the year. For toy geeks, it’s like Christmas seeing all the new reveals. But one announcement […]
Plot twist. After Saban Brands, the handlers of the long-running Power Rangers franchise parted ways with original merchandise collaborators Bandai America, a new announcement was swiftly made, formally showing Hasbro Inc. their seat at the dynasty table. Promptly afterward came Hasbro’s introduction to the latest incarnation of the Power Rangers legacy in the form of […]
Well, this is an interesting turn of events. After a partnership that endured across two and a half decades, entertainment company Saban Brands has taken a page out of the playbook of their most famous characters and decided to sacrifice the zords. Bandai America, who has worked with Saban for 25 years to produce toys […]
Power Rangers HyperForce is sticking to the shadows in this installment of the live roleplaying game series based on the Saban Brands Power Rangers television franchise. This new band of time traveling heroes has been flying up and down the Ranger timeline, their adventures finally leading them to the famous NewTech City, where they soon […]