Kamen Rider Gattack – Identity Revealed!
The newest Rider’s identity has been revealed. Click here into the forums to find out, but be forewarned of spoilers, cuz this one’s a doozy. [HJU, Gattack Discussion]
The newest Rider’s identity has been revealed. Click here into the forums to find out, but be forewarned of spoilers, cuz this one’s a doozy. [HJU, Gattack Discussion]
Kamen Rider Kabuto has been rockin’ the hell outta our forums. As of now it’s my personal favorite. If you’d like to see what you’re missing, take a look at this music video from Neekox. 1…2…3….RIDER KICK! Posted by Neekox
Another new Rider picture found by Forever Knight over at Thai-Toku. That.. and more.
by Rider Faiz So you’ve been perfect from birth, you make a big mouth watering breakfast for your little sister every morning, and your town is plagued by worms. What else is a total badass going to do? Steal a whiny-boy’s Zector and Henshin into Kamen Rider Kabuto of course!!
DiscoInferno brings the heat with some more pictures found in this thread. It’s just toy box art, but it’s still our first glimes of BoukenSilver!
DiscoInferno has posted up some pictures of the new Rider, Gastag (or whatever…) in the forums along with three others that may appear in the movie. Click on in and check ’em out!
Seen here in this thread, it seems we get a glimpse of both the 6th Ranger of Boukenger and the 5th Rider of Kabuto. Check it out. Credit for finding the picture goes to FreedomR8G6B1.
From the video game company that brought us Metal Gear Solid comes this sci-fi actioner from the land of the rising sun. Komani takes their crack at the Tokusatsu genre with, Specter [HJU, Talk Up!] Posted by our very own Bueno
The weekend cometh and I thought we’d go out on something kickass and inspirational. I bring you another Knux Five Joint. From the Transformers the Movie Soundtrack and a couple choice episodes of Power Rangers, I give you… The Touch! ‘Til All Are One… have a morphenominal weekend! ^__^ Posted by Knux Five
What if GARO were to air on Cartoon Network’s killer block, [adult swim]? Well, my old friend Knux Five posed that same question and came up with this answer. And by the blade of night… mankind was given hope. Posted by Knux Five