GARO TV Special Scans
Forever Knight found these over at Thai-Toku, but they credit the heroes over at UltramanLah for the find. Click on below to see more!
Forever Knight found these over at Thai-Toku, but they credit the heroes over at UltramanLah for the find. Click on below to see more!
The Warrior Jedah found this tid bit of news over at the Media Blasters Website. Kamen Rider the First is snatched up and getting set for a motherlovin’ release stateside! No bootlegs needed here. Expect a release with all the trimmings you get outta Media Blasters and once it lands, we’ll be sure to give […]
I don’t think you all know how close we came. The internet nearly lost one of its greatest video game podcasts, but M.C. Wilson is deciding to soldier on for the sake of all us goodly folk who dig video games and video game news. There’s not a week I miss the show and it’s […]
In their latest episodes, our friends over at Team Fremont review, what they say may be the Playstation Game of the Year… Okami. That and a ton of other morsels of Drunken Gamer Entertainment can be found if you take your mouse and click over hear.
FROM REUTERS: Actors promoting a Japanese children’s show due to appear in Thailand next week are taken away in a police pick-up truck after posing in front of a tank in Bangkok September 28, 2006. Thailand’s military rulers, installed in a coup last week, have banned dancers or actors using tanks as a backdrop. The […]
Looks like the Boukengers got themselves a new pimpin’ ride and you all have another big badass bot to add to your collection once the toy lands. Click here to check out some scans brought to us by forum member, Kamen Rider Chaos.
Always one step ahead of Kagami, it looks like Tendou’s got himself a new toy, and if you’ve bought all the Zectors, you too… can wield this mighty power. Click here to see the newest weapon in Kabuto’s formidable arsenal, courtesy of kabuto555.
It’s up and ready on the boards for anyone who wants to check it out. Kagami keeps pace with the man who walks the path of heaven with his own Hyper Mode. When we get to see it, well if that’s know it’s not known by me. Click here to see the new mode, courtesy […]
WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I’ve been dying of withdrawal all day, but it looks like we’re back in action! In celebration of our return and the coming weekend… it’s Party Girl Time! Woo! Good find, Rising Sun! Enjoy the weekend!
Just got this video in on my desk from forum moderator and owner of the GKA Times. If you’re down with the women of Power Rangers, you’ll wanna check this out. It’s Morphin Time! Posted by NinjaJack