For years, the Youtube channel Triforcefilms has been pumping out one rendition after another of TV show theme songs, all in the acapella style, performing every aspect of these classic pieces without the use of traditional instruments. This includes some series openers that may prove familiar to us here at Henshin Justice Unlimited. Check em […]
Here’s a little something to jam to while waiting for your next fix when it comes to the heroes of the tokusatsu world. From Kamen Rider to Super Sentai to Power Rangers, Youtuber Studio Megaane has been delivering one nostalgic twist after another on the special-effects shows we at Henshin Justice Unlimited hold most dear. […]
If you’ve been following us closely over the past few months, you know we’re pretty big fans of Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga in these parts. The space fantasy prequel to the giant hero series Ultraman Orb first streamed exclusively on Amazon Prime Japan before making its way to terrestrial television and home video. It […]
Well, that was fast. After the high drama of our last episode in this amazing series, I incorrectly assumed it would take us a moment to regroup before leaping straight back into the business with Acting Prime Minister Himuro Gentoku and his twisted bid for power, after being exposed for the treasonous conspirator that he […]
The interwebs can be a dark and tumultuous place, but every once in a while, you can find something to make you smile. Case in point: This little diddy from Youtuber Juan Ignacio Monzon, who provides a marvelous mash-up of two heroes who bear the same name (and a bit more). I’m speaking, of course, […]
The Kamen Rider Build TV series opener gets an english-language remix, in this new cover song from Youtuber mynameissport. Infusing with it all the passion of young genius Kiryu Sento and his fugitive ally Banjou Ryuuga as they battle the shadow organization known as Faust, to protect a divided nation from its deadly intentions. Let’s […]
The war for the Iron Throne just got a little more epic, with this fun opening credits sequence from French Youtuber Malec. Inspired by the wildly popular fantasy drama series Game of Thrones, this interprets the battle to save Westeros, and the many dramatic turns it takes, in a fashion only Japanese animation can deliver. […]
Gaku Sano (Kamen Rider Gaim), Yutaka Kobayashi (Kamen Rider Baron) and Yuki Kobota (Zangetsu Shin) get together to have a little fun, and produce their own MV for the Kamen Rider Gaim OP, “Just LIVE MORE!” Hit the jump for the awesome video!