Ichi City has been set upon by an army of colossal monsters of devastating power. Crawling out of every nook and cranny, from the many different sci-fi, fantasy, and action franchises of Japan, both live-action and animated, comes a fierce wave of kaiju hoping to make dinner out of the denizens of this Japanese metropolis. […]
Earth of the future has become a smoldering den of kaiju in Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters, the new animated feature from Polygon Pictures and creature-feature titan Toho. In this 3D animated tale, a group of space travelers whose family had once abandoned the ravaged Earth now return to the place humanity once called home, […]
The miraculous rebirth of the Pacific Rim franchise, after a less-than-stellar box office for Guillermo Del Toro’s original monster mash left fans in a period of doubt, now revives the speculation about what might happen if the city-stomping Kaiju and their mechanized Jaeger nemeses would ever meet up with the denizens of Legendary Pictures’ new […]
It’s been a minute since our last Ultraman Geed review. Previously, young Ultra hero Riku learned the devastating truth of his parentage and the twisted nature of his existence from the devilish Kei. Still reeling from the news that he’s basically a walking action figure for the bad guys to manipulate, we’re taken on a […]
Here’s a thing. In a grim future, where humanity is at the edge of extinction (because what other futures are there, really?), five brothers set about changing their unenviable fate and a giant robot is born from the ashes of their effort. Thus is the plot of Brave Storm, the reimagined tokusatsu film that merges […]
Guillermo Del Toro’s giant monster mash Pacific Rim is the little movie franchise that could, still trucking after unfavorable returns in the domestic box office a few years ago. But stronger international support gives the super-robot actioner a new lease on life with director Steven S. DeKnight’s Pacific Rim: Uprising. Let’s check out the trailer […]
A loud thunderclap rang out in the Ultraman fandom when it was announced that Dragon Force: So Long, Ultraman, the sequel to China’s animated Dragon Force movie, would feature their own interpretation of the classic red-and-silver giant hero Ultraman, owned by Japan’s Tsuburaya Productions. Not only that, but this character, whose use of the Ultraman […]
The battle to save a war-torn Earth from a wave of rampaging monsters continues in Pacific Rim: Uprising, and we have three new posters to prove it. John Boyega makes his debut as the new lead hero, piloting the giant Jaeger robot known as Gipsy Avenger. He’ll need all the swag he can muster if […]
Eren Yaeger is back to put the hurt on some Titans in this video game adaptation of the wildly successful anime series Attack on Titan. This western release chronicles the show’s second season, furthering the adventures of the last surviving heroes of a race overrun with enormous man-eating giants. Let the chaos begin. Those who […]
Don’t sleep on monster movies in 2017. After Godzilla kicked us off a few years ago, with a gentle push from Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) and Gareth Edwards (Star Wars: Rogue One), a number of new kaiju flicks have begun to rise from the ashes of former obscurity, breathing new life (and atomic breath) into […]