Greetings and Salutations, HJU readers! It is I, Bookish Delight, here once again to spotlight video games that, as a toku fan, you should totally have on your radar! For undoubtedly at least a few of you reading this, today’s featured series needs no introduction. However, if this holds true for you, then consider yourself […]
Greetings and salutations, HJU faithful! Bookish is back, and as I warned you last time, we’re on our past and present retrospective through My Little Pony‘s last eight years… by way of mainly talking about current material. Seriously, the whole thing’s on Netflix, it’s worth catching up. Meanwhile, if you haven’t read Part 1, you […]
Hey there, Henshin Justice readers! I realized I didn’t introduce myself proper in my Viewtiful Joe article, so let’s fix that. I’m Bookish Delight, and I was grabbed by HJU from the mad, bad and crazyhouse that is the My Little Pony fandom to write about tokusatsu, one of my original loves—but with a twist. […]
(Kyoryu) Brave New World Tokusatsu hero shows, and the worldwide fandom surrounding them, have changed greatly over the past fifteen years. Beyond genre, beyond formula, beyond character archetypes, beyond even cinematography and direction, the greatest way that change has manifested is cross-pollination. Super Sentai—in its original, unedited form—currently gets official DVD releases in the West. […]