Digimon Anime Returns as a High School Sequel Series!
The Digimon 15th anniversary is upon us and just announced is the newest anime to the illustrious and much beloved franchise. We got the news here! So hit that link and Digi-volve!
The Digimon 15th anniversary is upon us and just announced is the newest anime to the illustrious and much beloved franchise. We got the news here! So hit that link and Digi-volve!
A while ago we here at HJU reported that both the director and the lead actor for the Attack On Titan movie have been found. We now have a complete cast listing that even include a few toku alumni! So hit that link and prepare! The Nightmare Continues!
The original G is set to return soon and with San Diego Comic Con comes news of his return. But he’s not returning alone! Hit that link and see just who or what is return with Godzilla!
The Straw Hat crew sail back to the US in One Piece Unlimited World Red. But is this the game that deserves to be title Pirate King? Or is it merely as Flashy as Buggy the Clown? Hit that link to eat the Game Game Fruit to find out! (Please be aware that due the […]
Koichi Sakamoto of Power Rangers and Kamen Rider fame is having one his Block Busters of last year head to the US this Fall. We got the low down on the film. So hit that link and brace yourself!
After months of teasers and pictures Disney has just unleashed their newest and first animated Marvel Universe feature film’s trailer. Big Hero 6 is coming soon and we got the trailer here! So hit that link to power up!
What’s up, HJU faithful?! Dustin here to share with you my experiences from Anime Expo 2014, held in Los Angeles, California last weekend, July 3rd-6th. Before I get to into it, let me preface by saying that these were MY experiences and MY opinions, and they may not be the same as yours, so please […]
And that’s a wrap for Anime North 2014! It was a fun but exhausting weekend and here’s what you might’ve missed out on!
Let’s take another look at the amazing Robot Damashi Gundam/Kamen Rider mashups from Twitter!
My first major exposure to Godzilla was during one of the countless movie marathons that ran back then. This was before the Sci-Fi Channel started deliberately misspelling their name. When there was nothing on basic cable TV but reruns of everything you ever saw from your childhood, or at least wish you had. It was […]