The Ring Bearing Kamen Rider Wizard makes the magical leap into the Super Imaginative Chogokin line and we’re treated to our very first look at the finished prototype of Flame Style courtesy of a special web page from Tamashi Nation dedicated to the line’s 15th anniversary.
The S.I.C line is known for taking creative liberties with Kamen Riders, often showcasing abilities they might not have used on screen and Wizard is no exception.
The image shows a form and power not yet utilized where Wizard is fused together with his Red Garuda Plamonster. Of course, two versions of his Wizarswordgun will be among his accessory count along with the said Plamonster.
S.I.C Kamen Rider Wizard will be making his debut in August, the price has yet to be announced. Tamashi also confirms we’ll bee seeing Wizard’s other elemental styles later down the line.
SOURCE: Tamashi’s S.I.C page
April 16, 2014 @ 5:41 pm
It’s… interesting. I was hoping they would put emphasis on the jewel theme, like OOO’s SIC’s got with the animals, but I’ve got no idea what they’re doing here. Is the head supposed to look more like a dragon head, maybe?
What happened to Fourze, on that note?
Vash bane
April 17, 2014 @ 6:54 am
I like that the weapons change with the change of element. and him fusion with his familiars sounds like it would have been a nice touch in the series.
April 20, 2014 @ 1:25 am
The change in weapons is nice, but throwing in the plamonster elements seems just a throwaway idea to give him stuff. Specially since Wizard’s not the owner of the green griffon, makes one wonder what they’ll do for hurricane.