1. Tommy Brevard
    February 8, 2014 @ 12:59 pm

    Micchy might not be a good guy after all.

    • poy
      February 8, 2014 @ 1:33 pm

      Just imagine if kouta learn the truth, he will really suffering because yuuya got killed by his hand. When Hase got killed by Sid, Kouta really hopeless and depressing.
      and Michy dont want to see Kouta depressing anymore.

    • Tu?n Ankh
      February 8, 2014 @ 2:50 pm

      According to everything from ep 1 to ep 16, I am pretty sure Micchy is a good guy. I’m not proving you wrong though, but I want to point out that Micchi has always cared about Kouta and the team (especially Mai. He has a crush on Mai after all). He also cared about people in the city, too, even though he told Kouta to stop fighting for them. That was actually FOR Kouta. He’s always been helping Kouta. Now he’s “turning his back” on Kouta only because of what we saw in ep 16. His older brother showed him something in the forest, and that changed it all. He then had to admit that his brother was right. My guess on this: there is a huge monster cave (maybe Invess, maybe not), and Yggdrasil is trying to build a strong armor rider army in order to fight back later on. I would also conclude that Micchi’s brother is a good guy, too. He’s said it a few times that Yggdrasil’s goal is to promote a good life or something to the people in the city. He also cared about the Beat Riders experiment rats (ep 15 or 16, I don’t remember).
      Now I would also assume that Ryuoma, Cid, are both bad guys (maybe not the villains, but they are the wicked ones). DJ Sagara also seems pretty suspicious.

      But well, who really knows, right? If Kouta and Mai gets closer together later on, his jealousy may take over himself and he’s gonna do some bad stuff. πŸ˜€

  2. CoolZero
    February 8, 2014 @ 1:34 pm

    that is some stupid shit just tell the nigga about yuuya already see this is why i can’t be fucking with kamen rider no more. fuck…..

    • WaterTree7
      February 8, 2014 @ 1:57 pm

      Who is the stupid one here? Why the hell would you want to tell someone you deem as a close friend something that will cripple him emotionally and cause him much pain? Do you even think these things through before hating on the show? Nope.

  3. john stephens
    February 8, 2014 @ 1:53 pm

    ok who thinks that peco will be kr knuckle

    • Brett Wilder
      February 8, 2014 @ 4:07 pm

      naa its zack since he had the walnut lockseed in episode 16 but ive seen little scans of a mushroom rider here and their idk if its real or fake but if so maybe thats what peco will turn into

      • john stephens
        February 10, 2014 @ 8:11 pm

        i saw that too its photoshop D: would have been awsome …

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