Toei’s official Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Twitter account revealed some new information about the upcoming Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Another Ending Trilogy film series.
【Vシネ 「 #エグゼイド トリロジー」出演情報】
「ブレイブ&スナイプ」では恋と小姫が復活!小姫が選んだのは飛彩でなくまさかの恋!?「パラドwithポッピー」には作が登場。念願のボーズオブテラ完成か?そして正宗は全3作に出演!小姫・恋・正宗はどのように復活したのか?必見です!— 仮面ライダーエグゼイド (@toei_EXAID) September 23, 2017
The account revealed that Masamune Dan/Kamen Rider Cronus will appear in all three films. Last time we saw him is at the show’s finale in which he disappeared after he was defeated by the Kamen Riders. Now for some specifics in the first two films in the trilogy.
In Part I: Kamen Rider Brave and Kamen Rider Snipe, Hiiro’s girlfriend, Saki whose data was deleted in the TV series returns alongside with Ren Amagasaki/Loverica Bugster. What’s the big surprise is that Saki dumped Hiiro and is now with Ren! The film is set for a March 28, 2018 release.
In Part II: Kamen Rider Para-DX with Kamen Rider Poppy, Genm Corp’s new CEO Tsukuru Koboshi will be completing the game “Bozu of Tera”, which was first seen in the TV series. The film is set for an April 11, 2018 release.
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Another Ending Trilogy will be released in a single set on April 11, 2018 on Blu-ray and DVD. The special edition of the Part II: Kamen Rider Para-DX with Kamen Rider Poppy will include a limited edition Gashat, the DX God Maximum Mighty X Gashat, a Genm edition of the DX Maximum Mighty X Gashat.
The Ex-Aid Twitter account has also revealed Kamen Rider Ex-Aid the Movie: True Ending‘s Blu-ray and DVD release.
The film is set for a January 10, 2018 release on home video and will be available in two editions, the Collector’s Pack and the standard DVD release. The Collector’s Pack includes audio commentary from the film’s director Shojiro Nakazawa, writer Yuya Takahashi, and producer Takahito Omori. The audio commentary is exclusively available on the Blu-ray edition.
In addition, both Collector’s Packs come with a bonus disc that is packed with bonus content such as the making-of feature, TV spots, data file, poster gallery, trailers, and many more. The standard DVD release on the other hand, only comes with the trailer of the film.
[Source: Nihon Hero, Toei Video]