The story of Garo continues with GARO -GOLDSTORM- SHOU! Sometime after the battle in Line City, Makai Knight Ryuga Dogai (Golden Knight Garo) and the Makai Priestess Rian have have continued to fight to protect the city, and they encounter a new Horror threat! Hit the jump to learn more about Episode 1 of the new series, but be warned, there are spoilers!
GARO -GOLDSTORM- Shou Episode 1: “Sword”
Airing Date – April 10
Screenplay – Keita Amemiya
Director – Keita Amemiya
Action Diretor – Akira Oohashi
Sometime after the battle in Line City, Makai Knight Ryuga Dogai (Golden Knight Garo) and the Makai Priestess Rian have have continued to fight to protect the city, and they encounter a new Horror threat!
On the other hand, Makai Priest Gen visits the Shrine where the Legendary Majou Radan had been sealed. With determination on his face he pulls out the sword in the shrine, and a mysterious man named Jinga & mysterious woman named Amily were looking at him.
Will you be watching this new series? Let us know in the comments and forums, and be sure to keep it here for the latest tokusatsu news!