After years of fans asking for officially released and original Tokusatsu shows here in the US, Shout Factory answered the call, and released Zyuranger: The Complete Series on DVD! Using the original scripts and footage straight from Japan, this DVD seems to have all the bells and whistles, so let’s take a closer look at this dream of a fandom made reality!
Let’s get this out of the way immediately, because it’s honestly a minor gripe but one worth addressing.
It looks a lot like a bootleg.
The above is a bootleg.
While this is a minor thing, the only thing that seperates this from a less-than-official DVD on the shelf is the Shout Factory logo. In the future, I would love to see the official logos, and the title of the show, to be more prominent on the cover and the spine. Again, minor gripe, in the grand scheme of things.
The series is contained on 10 DVDs, with a 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio, and 2.0 Dolby Digital Stereo. The entire series runs 16.6 hours according to the box. Subtitles are English only. See below for an example of the captioning.

The captioning uses the original Japanese script and is quite good, all considered. I’m not huge on the bright yellow coloring but that’s an even more minor gripe. I viewed a total of 10 episodes over the past month, and I didn’t detect any desyncs, flubs in the script, or other errors. It’s simple, works well and has no frills, exactly what it needs to be.
The menus are similarly no frills, with the theme of the show playing in the background and very minimalistic animations. This I am more than okay with, as that means there’s more space on the DVD for episodes!
Each DVD contains 5 Episodes and nothing else, with the exception of the tenth DVD, which also contains a subtitled and edited video recording of the “Power Progenitors: SUPER SENTAI ZYURANGER” panel from Power Morphicon 2014, which is a definite recommended watch for fans of both Zyuranger and Power Rangers in general. You may learn something!
Overall, if you are a fan of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, this is worth a pickup. If you are a Super Sentai fan, this is not only worth picking up, it is recommended. This is the first official release of a Sentai show here in the US, and it’s not unfair to conjecture that, should this DVD do well, there will be more down the line.
So it’s time to put your money where your mouth is, fans! Support the official release of Zyuranger from Shout Factory!
You can buy the DVD set on Amazon from several different sellers, or direct from Shout.
Instead of our usual request to tell us about something, we’d love to see you let Shout Factory know what you’d like to see in future releases! Certain Special Features? Specific Shows? Let them know in the comments and forums, and be sure to keep it here for the latest in tokusatsu news!
I leave you with one final tease of the show…
I would like to thank Shout Factory for providing the review copy DVD for this review. It is deeply appreciated!
April 2, 2015 @ 7:54 pm
“This I am more than okay with, as that means there’s more space on the DVD for episodes!”
That’s odd since shout has crammed almost twice as much on their Power Rangers DVDs
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger DVD Review - Henshin Justice Unlimited
August 4, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
[…] start things off, I think it’s appropriate to take a step back to my Zyuranger DVD review, where I said I felt the box art looked a lot like a bootleg. A few months down the line, looking […]