The Official Power Rangers Facebook Page has released a statement regarding the apparent discrepancy in votes in certain pairings of the Morphin Madness brackets.
The statement released is as follows:
We have been alerted to the fact that someone managed to hack the voting system, affecting some of the results in Morphin Madness. Rest assured that we are dedicated to ensuring this is a fun and fair competition. The Power Rangers wouldn’t have it any other way!
We have successfully tracked down the fake voting mechanism and have carefully removed the extra votes and restored the rankings to reflect their true values.
Thanks for your patience while we worked to resolve the issue. Now, back to the fun! Vote for your favorite rangers in Morphin Madness:
The method for determining fradulent votes was not released. A Before-and-After for all matchups can be seen below.
The Total Votes, before cleanup, for each match, are as follows:
MMPR Green vs DT White: 158239
Space Red vs DT Black: 142028
Zeo Gold vs MMPR White: 144244
Samurai Red vs Titanium: 72830
Mystic White vs MMPR Yellow: 83761
Ninja Green vs Turbo Phantom: 82332
Overdrive Mercury vs Time Force Pink: 107659
RPM Gold vs Super Mega Red: 83241
Jungle Rhino vs MMPR Red: 70446
Time Red vs Jungle Wolf: 72948
The biggest discrepancies are in the Mighty Morphin Green versus Dino Thunder White, In Space Red versus Dino Thunder Black, and Zeo Gold versus Mighty Morphin White. These matchups all have 60,000 or more votes on average than the other matchups, with the exception of Overdrive Mercury versus Time Force Pink. In this, we also see discrepencies, albeit, smaller discrepencies, among the other matchups, typically in the thousands. The biggest comes in the matchup between Overdrive Mercury and Time Force Pink, which has over 100,000 votes when most of the matchups did not break 85,000. The reason for this is unknown at this time.
After the votes, the three matchups in question (MMPR Green vs DT White,In Space Red vs DT Black, Zeo Gold vs MMPR White) were changed to reflect the found fraudulent votes.
However, there has been evidence found that has not been accounted for.
As seen in these screenshots, Jason David Frank, on his official, verified Facebook page, was seen sharing with his users an easy, fast way to submit extra votes to the contest. This method circumvents the site’s “Once Per Day” check, and even allows extra entries to the contest for the 24k Gold Plated Legendary Morpher. This method has been confirmed working pre-cleanup by several members of the community.
Also seen on his page, he offers signed pictures in exchange for votes.
Many fans have suggested a reset of the round, as opposed to just changing the amount of votes in specific matchups, especially considering the Final 5 Rangers will be made into a limited edition Ranger Key set. This contest allowed Rangers who, previously, were announced to not be recieving Keys, to be made into them, such as the Power Rangers original, the Titanium Ranger, or Zeo Gold. The voting also did not include all of the Rangers, and many Female Rangers were left out, or bracketed together. This, coupled with the female Rangers not being available in Key Sets with their teams, has caused significant backlash against Saban and Bandai.
The Morphin Madness contest is still going, and regardless of your feelings on the above events, you can still enter to win some cool prizes, and recieve valuable coupons for voting, including $5 off of a Legendary Morpher, with a coupon for the Legendary Megazord coming next round. Check it out at the official Morphin Madness Website!
Davis S
March 29, 2014 @ 11:53 am
To be fair, we are talking about Bandai of America here.
Bandai of America has been digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole with their fan and consumer base since 2004. They already sell $10-quality toys for $30, shut down their anime division after deciding to bank on the wrong titles, and don’t import the grand majority of the good games their head branch produces. Really, pissing off the people that would want to buy their products is nothing new.
Optimistic Prime
March 29, 2014 @ 1:18 pm
God forbid Jason David Frank’s ego is hurt. There is absolutely no evidence of cheating against him, yet he openly tells others to cheat.