1. Dessa
    March 12, 2014 @ 9:49 am

    Wait… they’re calling it the “Legendary Megazord,” but the description says it’s Gosei Great Megazord. Legendary Megazord is Gokai-Oh.

  2. Davis S
    March 12, 2014 @ 3:18 pm

    …That’s Gosei Great.
    Why are they calling it the legendary megazord?
    And WHY is it $80? You know, it really puts things into perspective when the Japanese Version sold for the currency exchange equivalent of $50, and you can find a version of that on EBay for $80, and that’s due to the Toy’s ‘Rarity’. When this comes out, that price will drop.

    I know Bandai of America has been price gouging the Remolds of the toys for years, but this is ridiculous.

  3. Santaaskid
    March 12, 2014 @ 6:07 pm

    If i’m not mistaken places like Amazon also have free shipping options for stuff over a certain price. So while 80 seems crazy when you take into account the cost of shipping them state side anyways- the average At launch Japanese mecha costs between 80 and 100 anyways. That’s factoring in shipping. So all in all 80 + free shipping = about the same. The thing is they are Factoring in the cost of shipping from japan to the US distribution centers, when we see the Japanese item- at 60-75 or so this looks outrageous, but when we factor in the Shipping from japan it works out to around the same.

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