1. Raymond Correa
    August 26, 2013 @ 10:09 pm

    Well done I agree wholeheartedly

  2. BoyBlue
    August 26, 2013 @ 11:08 pm

    Wow I could not disagree more. Yayoi is a terrible character and nothing she’s done is original. She is a poster child of the Shrinking Violet trope to the point where I don’t believe her Brave for an instant. She stalks King, she doesn’t control her own mech, she doesn’t have an Armed, and she’s only going to show up when plot allows. I’m sorry but give me Swan, Kyoko, Miu, or Kaoru any day, those were some strong women. I mean Amy outclasses her in every way, and I blame Yayoi for now starting this dumb and pointless King/Amy pairing. Amy’s so independent, she doesn’t need a love interest. I honestly think people are just attaching so much to her, because subconsciously they want to spit in the face of that dumb producer that said he wanted more guys.

  3. Magical Mimi
    August 26, 2013 @ 11:32 pm

    Unfortunately Yayoi may have her own Zord, but she has yet to actually use it outside of one time the entire team used it. Instead it’s always piloted by the Red Ranger. Also unlike the other members of the team, who all have their own unique weapons, Yayoi only has the ‘basic’ weapons the ‘Main Five’ also have, and the closest thing that she has to her own… Well, I won’t spoil it, but it ties into the ‘Special DVD’ and doesn’t feature her using it. And if that wasn’t enough, she isn’t really coming off like part of the main team. Instead it’s more like she’s always in the kitchen… Errr… Lab Outside of the episode where she became Kyoryu Violet, she has been treated more like ‘Oh yeah she’s around, but she’s elsewhere’ and the one time after her first transformed appearance where she did transform (and majorly kicked ass) she just stood around and watched.

    In the end, the char while insanely cool with all the potential it has probably won’t be on par with DekMaster, or any of the other Extra Members that are male (save Go-On Silver who kicked ass), which is disappointing.

    I just hope that I’m majorly wrong here and she actually does do a bit more, and maybe ends up ‘on par’ with the main six story wise, instead of being more ‘show up only when plot points are needed’ like the ‘Spirit Rangers’ are this season

  4. SpiritPink
    August 28, 2013 @ 7:36 pm

    I agree completely, except for one big mistake I see in the article. Kaoru Shiba was not shinken red’s sister. She was the previous shinken red, along with being adopted mother of Takeru/shinken red.

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