The fans have spoken, and in just a few weeks Keiji Inafune’s Megaman inspired Kickstarter: Mighty No.9 is over two million dollars strong and still climbing. The Kickstarter blew passed the original set goal of $900,000 in just one day and Inafune-San expresses his gratitude for the continued support in a special video message.
At the time of this article, Mighty No.9’s raised $2,021,708 but what exactly does all this money amount too? 

Two more stages will be added for a total of 8 in addition we now have support for Mac and Linux software along with new game plus, turbo mode, a making of documentary, and a boss rush mode. The game is getting close to a release on all current gen consoles and more stretch goals have been added:
- $2,400,000 will add a Challenge Mode
- $2,550,000 will add an extra end stage and boss
- At $2,750,000 an online co-op challenge mode will enable you to play as both Beck and his side kick Call
Finally, at the $3,300,000 Mark, Mighty No.9 will be brought to the PS4 and X Box One. There’s still three more stretch goals that we don’t know about as of yet. Please continue to support Keiji Inafune’s dream project and let’s make it a reality!
September 12, 2013 @ 8:01 am
WOW…just WOW!