In just a few hours, it will be that time, once again, fellow Power Rangers Legacy Wars fans: the Megazord Event!
HJU readers are likely familiar with nWay’s wildly popular mobile game, and possibly familiar with the game’s twice-per-month event of battling Zords and giant monsters. This event has quickly become the game’s premiere focus for both casual and competitive fans alike.
Whether you and your fellow Alliance members are working to crack the Leaderboard Top 50 or hoping to solidify your place in the Top 5, we here at HJU have put together a tried and true list of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the event.
This first of two articles on the Megazord event will focus on some basic tips necessary to succeed in Megazord play. The second part to this series will focus on specific movesets, combos, and Megas, and will present a more advanced list of tips and tricks. Be sure to return in the coming days for that second article!
Now, onto the most important basic tips necessary for success in the Megazord Event:
Choosing the Right Megazord
First and foremost, to maximize your damage during the Megazord Event, you need to choose the correct Megazord. While nWay has previously stated that we will soon see new Megazords, we are stuck with the same four choices for now: Thunder Megazord, Dino Megazord, Predazord, and Goldar.
By saying “Megazord” in the above header, I purposefully excluded Goldar. While Goldar can be deadly in the right hands, due to his moveset that potentially allows the controlling player to continuously stun his opponent, he almost always comes up short against the much stronger Dino Megazord and Thunder Megazord.
As implied, you should consider focusing on the Dino Megazord or Thunder Megazord. You can rest assured that an investment of resources into a Thunder Megazord can pay off big, as the legendary Zord has a plethora of counter moves and power finishers to take down opponents. For those that may not have access to the legendary shards necessary for the Thunder Megazord, the Dino Megazord presents a superb choice with its hard-hitting moveset and easy-to-accomplish combos.
Regardless, the biggest take away for those reading this section should be this: remember that resources in Legacy Wars, such as coins and chargers, can get scarce and focusing your attention on maximizing a single Zord will increase your effectiveness. Further, the stronger your opponents, the more damage you will will rack up over the course of the event–so make sure to increase a single Zord as much as you can to match up with the strongest opponents!
As an aside, note that the Predazord tends to come up short when compared to the two larger Megazords. However, a well-timed “Efficient Striker” mega with the Predazord can allow you to unleash a truly terrifying flurry of 2-cost Strike blows that may make up for the Predazord’s normally lackluster damage output.
Upgrade the Correct Moves
It is important to choose the correct Megazord, but it is further important to use your coins, crystals, and Megazord chargers to upgrade the correct moves for your Zords.
The Dino Megazord lives and dies on its combos. A Dino Megazord player needs to be able to deliver punishing combos after stunning their opponent. Thus, it is incredibly important that you upgrade its combo-starting moves. These include the Rushing Double move and the Power Sword. With the Dino Megazord, it is important not to neglect your power finisher, the Lightning Blast, either.
The Thunder Megazord does appreciate a more balanced approach to its upgrades, but relies on a strategy of multiple counters that lead into devastating finishing moves. Keeping those finishing moves powerful is essential. These finishers include the Mega Beam, the Thunder Blow, and the Whirlwind. A well-timed Mega Beam following a counter move is often enough to ensure obtaining some large damage.
Save and Stack Your Boxes
One of the simplest, and most important, tips if you are hoping to maximize your damage in the Megazord Event is that of saving and stacking the boxes that contain the precious energy resource that allows you to start a Megazord fight. These boxes include Corruption Boxes, free “Alpha” boxes, and Daily Quest boxes.
You can store up to 20 energy at one time. Any energy earned after you have stored 20 energy is lost, so it is vitally important that you spend your energy before opening any boxes if you are at or near 20 energy. These tips and tricks to maximize the energy your receive from boxes will increase your overall performance throughout the event.
- Corruption Boxes
Corruption boxes are available for you to unlock every 24 hours. These boxes are unlocked when you deal a set amount of damage in Ranger-level battles. The amount of damage varies depending on the League that you are currently in.
Corruption boxes are particularly celebrated during a Megazord Event because they give out three energy per box. These boxes also have the ability to stack, allowing you access to two unopened Corruption boxes at one time if you have not opened one over a two-day period. If stacked, you must unlock the first Corruption box before beginning to unlock the second.
This is incredibly important for maximizing Megazord damage. You can save two Corruption boxes in anticipation of a Megazord Event and wait to open those boxes until the event has started–thus ensuring you a quick six energy on the first day of the event. You can then obtain an additional six energy throughout a normal-length Megazord Event from daily Corruption boxes.
Keep in mind, you can unlock a Corruption box but leave that box unopened. This allows you to immediately open a previously unlocked, but saved, Corruption box when a Megazord Event begins, and begin working on your second, stacked box right away.
- Daily Mission Boxes
Unless recently changed, saved Daily Mission boxes will not provide extra energy once a Megazord Event begins. In order to save a Daily Mission box, you must unlock that box on the day it is available, but leave it unopened. If it is not unlocked the day it is available, the box will disappear the next day.
These saved boxes will, however, allow you to complete the 5-daily mission reward and obtain an energy-granting Super Box during the course of the Megazord Event. Further, Daily Mission boxes unlocked during the event will provide energy. Superstitious players, such as myself, save Daily Quest boxes to open during the event, in the hopes that they will grant extra energy that one time…
- Free “Alpha” Boxes
As most players know, these free boxes can stack two-at-a-time. Once you open one of these boxes, a four-hour timer begins ticking to unlock another. Keeping up with the “Alpha” boxes during a Megazord Event can make for incredible gains in damage throughout the event.
It is extremely important to save two stacked “Alpha” boxes to be opened immediately upon the beginning of the event. It is then extremely important to diligently open those “Alpha” boxes as they are available–as the quicker a player opens those boxes, the sooner the timer begins to wind down towards another box and another free energy.
Be Prepared to Help Your Alliance With Missions
While this may be listed last in this article of this series, it may be the most important single point: you must find an active Alliance if you want to fully participate in a Megazord Event.
During the Megazord Event, special Alliance-only missions become available every twelve hours that you can complete with your whole Alliance! When these missions become available, they require a group effort to complete and each will give one energy for you to use to initiate Megazord fights.
These missions require Megazord damage, Ranger damage, Megazord battle wins, and Ranger battle wins to complete, respectively. Consider going the extra mile to help complete these missions! Some Alliance members even drop their medal count, and ranking, to better complete some of the missions that require Ranger battle damage and wins. This is a sacrifice, however, as that player will receive less rewards from their boxes then they might otherwise have received.
Keep these tips and tricks in mind as you attempt to maximize your Megazord damage in the upcoming Power Rangers Legacy Wars Megazord Event. Be sure to return to HJU in the coming days for the second article in this series on the Legacy Wars Megazord Event, dealing with specific movesets, combos, and Megas! Also, be sure to let us know if you enjoy these articles on Power Rangers Legacy Wars and would like to see more.
A special thank you to the Alliance members of Brotherhood of Havoc and Brotherhood of Chaos for their ideas and support!
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