Gearing up for the premiere of Kamen Rider Drive, our first image has sprung up for the upcoming DX Drive Driver.
Packed together with the DX Shift Brace and two Shift Cars, the total package will retail for 7,980 yen, due out in early October 2014.
Like most DX toys, three AAA batteries are required to use this toy though sold separately. Also required are three LR44s which will be included with this set.
Thus far, there’s no indication if Bandai plans on selling the two individually. Keep an eye on those web stores, as more pre order listings should be going up later tonight!
SOURCE:’s DX Drive Driver listing
Andrew Prince
August 31, 2014 @ 9:04 pm
Its a seat belt XD
August 31, 2014 @ 10:09 pm
Are those little cars on the same scale as the TQG trains?
August 31, 2014 @ 10:47 pm
It looks like it, but I can’t be sure sadly :c