Indie film “Blood Punch,” featuring several cast members of Power Rangers RPM, has made waves on the Film Festival Circuit, winning several awards. At the 17th “Dances with Films” festival, the movie added to this list as a winner of several Audience Awards. Hit the jump for more!
Starring Milo Cawthorne (Ziggy Grover, Ranger Operator Series Green), Ari Boyland (Flynn McAllistair, Ranger Operator Series Blue), Mike Ginn (Gem, Ranger Operator Series Gold), Olivia Tennet (Dr. K), and Adelaide Kane (Tenaya 7), Blood Punch involves a “mysterious bad girl” whom checks into rehab to find a partner for her drug cooking scheme. She finds a college age man whom she recruits and breaks out with the help of her (abusive) police officer boyfriend. The man finds himself swept into a dangerous love triangle that continues to repeat itself.
After winning the Audience Award for “Dark Matters” at the Austin Film Festival in 2013, Best Director, Feature, and Cinematography at Hoboken 2014, and the Jury Award at Omaha Film Festival 2014 (Best OFF THE EDGE Feature), Blood Punch took home the Audience Award for “Fusion Features” and “Run of Fest” feature at Dances with Films.
Director Madellaine Paxson is also credited with two episodes of Power Rangers RPM (Prisoners and Ranger Blue) as writer. The special thanks to the movie include Eka Darville (Scott Truman, Ranger Operator Series Red), Rose McIver (Summer Landsdown, Ranger Operator Series Yellow) and David deLautour (Robert “RJ” James, Violet Jungle Fury Ranger).
The official website can be found at this link. Check out the official trailer below, and be sure to stay tuned for news about the movie’s eventual release!