Kamen Rider OOO continues his journey. In S.I.C Hero Saga, Eiji finds himself battling the most powerful organizations in Kamen Rider history whom have joined forces against him.
The story begins when Eiji’s travels takes him to New York city. While visiting the Bronx zoo, panic ensures as a tiger manages to get loose. Eiji transforms and manages to cage the loose cat but is then immediately attacked by the GelShocker Greed. Just when it looks like Eiji is going to win this battle, the Destron Greed attacks him. As the fighting continues, Kamen Rider Ichigo appears but Eiji realizes there’s something amiss and as it turns out: he’s actually a Shocker Rider! To make matters worse: Eiji is later forced to fight a revived Shocker Greed.
Just when it looks like Eiji is going to win this battle, the Destron Greed attacks him. As the fighting continues, Kamen Rider Ichigo appears but Eiji realizes there’s something amiss and as it turns out: he’s actually a Shocker Rider! To make matters worse: Eiji is later forced to fight a revived Shocker Greed.
Shocker, Gel Shocker, Destron, G.O.D, these evil organizations once thought defeated has resurfaced and joined forces. Each organization is represented a Greed and corresponding Medal. These organizations pool their resources together…and Shocker OOO is born.
That’s the story of OOO’s Hero Saga thus far. Unfortunately the above image from the magazine gives no indication if the piece will be released
October 6, 2013 @ 1:51 am
this is just AWESOME!!! I would love these guys in Figuarts form… I kinda would love to get Shocker OOO just cause it’s so weird and evil and amazing!!!
October 6, 2013 @ 7:40 am
Shocker OOO or Boss? Shocker OOO is the brown one, second to last image in this page. Boss, or whatever that white one is, is something else.
October 11, 2013 @ 12:24 am
I want them all as Figuarts, but I think mainly Shocker OOO
Rob Toohey
October 6, 2013 @ 1:40 pm
Man, They need to make TV specials or something based off of these.
October 8, 2013 @ 8:14 am
We so need more OOO stories, cause that sounds BADASS! 😀
November 1, 2013 @ 11:18 pm
Ok, does anyone know what core medals make up for Boss, like there names or of how he came into being?