1 Comment

    October 1, 2013 @ 4:50 pm

    Remembered the faiz teaser teased before the show aired that mari would be faiz, (as the first main female rider to have own show) but when the first episode was on it turned out that takumi that was faiz.


    Such a nostalgic show. Cant believe it’s over 10 years since it’s airing and since first watching the show. So glad it’s going to be released on blu ray since the show was popular. The cast were great, the twists and plots were amazing, Felt disappointed by the ending during the first viewing of the series but after re-watching the series even if the ending was rushed and anti climactic and not perfect. (as TOEI and Bandai were starting work on the next series kamen rider Blade) . And even with kamen rider faiz series flaws, its still a great and interesting show.to watch.

    555…STANDING BY…. Transformation… COMPLETE


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