S.H.Figuarts Apollo Geist is due out later this month and already we have an announcement from ToeiHero.net that  Kamen Rider X’s nemesis will be receiving another figure.  Be warned that what your looking at is a  potential spoiler from Kamen Rider X, as such make the jump with caution.
In Kamen Rider X, Apollo Geist takes this form after he is revived and upgraded by G.O.D. doctors. The difference between this version and the one that will be released this month is that his costume now has a flame motif, Â the silver line on his helmet representing the Perfecter, and a new weapon grafted on his left arm.
S.H.Figuarts Revived Apollo Geist will retail for 4,410 yen with a currently slated release date of January 2014. Unlike the Tamashi Web store, things released via ToeiHero seems to be made in fewer quantities, so contact a <a href=”/forums/showthread.php?t=41720″>middleman</a>Â and pre order while you can!