As Kamen Rider Wizard draws to a close, Bandai has revealed what could possibly be the last we’ll see of the magical singing Ring gimmick which have sadly been announced as a Japan only web exclusive. Wizard Ring collectors, don’t give into despair quite yet! Click the jump to find out more about this set. As these Rings do represent the final arc of Kamen Rider Wizard, they might contain spoilers for those not keeping up with the series. Make the jump at your own risk!
The set will be shipping out in December, and for 1575 yen you’ll be getting three Wizard Rings with this set. The first ring is the Mage Ring which is Kamen Rider Mage’s main transformation piece. In the series, the Ring was used by Mayu to transform into said Rider, but would again make an appearance in Wizard’s summer film as a more generic Rider.
The last two rings are ones that tie in with the final arch of the series. The Eclipse Ring and the Holy Ring. The Holy Ring will be used by Haruto to defeat the last Phantom of the series.