Shortly after their reveal in this month’s Figureoh Magazine, Tamashi Nations just uploaded many new official pics of figures revealed in that Issue!
Both of Rider 1‘s and the Shocker Foot solider’s accessories have been revealed: Rider 1 will retail for 2940 yen, and a Rider Kick effect part will be included in this release. While the Shocker Combatmen will retail for a lower price point: 2675 yen. He will include a combat knife and staff and will see a release in July/August.
Kamen Rider Wizard’s Hurricane Dragon and Land Dragon styles, 3675 yen each
Beast Hyper priced at 3,990 yen, shown to include his Reflective Beast Gun Mirage Magnum.
Ultra Act King Griman/Pharomo, 6300 yen, shown to include a fire effect part.
Lastly, a prototype of of S.I.C. ShaUTa Combo has been spotted in this month’s issue of Hyper Hobby magazine! A prototype of the figure was first seen during Tamashi Nations last year, though sadly no price or release date