1. Joe Tonello
    January 10, 2013 @ 9:17 pm

    There is no super saiyan four that was mistranslation. He is merely super 4 Goku, a hybrid form of Great ape and human form.

  2. Dekaprime
    January 10, 2013 @ 10:45 pm

    Very well reasoned.
    The only problem I’ve ever had with the Goku VS Superman fight is that really both of these guys are good guys. They really have no need to fight. I mean yes Goku likes to spar but that is what this fight would quickly turn into if he actually met Superman. Nither of them would see the fight through to completion. Sups sure as hell wouldn’t have destroyed the earth to kill him.
    Also I have often believed that at some point during the 3 years waiting for the Androids that he at least took some basic learning even if only to keep up with his son. Later in the series Goku seems far less naive then in the first two sagas in the series.This is simply an observation and could simply be a change in direction based on who is writing him. It could also simply have been a running gag that simply ran out. Obviously not something that would have gone into the video.
    Still the research was very well done and the fight very entertaining. Can’t wait to see the next one.

  3. gamergeekfather
    January 11, 2013 @ 1:47 am

    Do you know how much nerdrage this vid caused? I am honestly laughing XD

  4. Thomas McDonald
    January 11, 2013 @ 8:28 am

    I have to say this was very well thought out. I have to wonder though if Goku would not already know about Sup’s powers coming from the sun. I mean they both have been around for a while I doubt that they wouldn’t have heard of each other at some point education or not on Goku’s part. And agreed Sup’s wouldn’t destroy earth just to beat Goku. Not to mention that in Superman All Stars the movie Sup’s absorbed so much rays from the sun that it would eventually kill him. He had to merge with the sun just to stay alive and expel the energy slowly while the sun was dead. If he had no way to expel the energy he would have died. Unless I’m wrong on that last bit. But still very well thought out and entertaining.

  5. Skullheart
    January 12, 2013 @ 4:15 pm

    I think it’s funny the fight even happened.The only reason it started is cause Goku “sensed” Superman’s power level and just decided “Hey,I’m going to fight him!” We all know if he wanted to fight him he would ask first,not just start punching him in the middle of a city.(Which he wouldn’t do either,just because of the casualties he knows it would cause.)

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