We confirmed yesterday that five past heroes will reappear in next weeks episode, but thanks to March’s edition of Hyper Hobby we can also confirm the return of Go Rangers’ Aka Ranger and most likely more to fans interest, Zyuranger’s Mammoth Ranger!
Zyuranger fans have been pretty vocal about their dismay of not having a Zyuranger cameo, let alone a tribute episode. The team had received Zyurangers’ Great Powers through Gai while he was unconscious and was given his Gokai Cellar from Abare Killer, Time Fire and Dragon Ranger. Abare Killer was the only one of the three to be seen outside of his suit, however both Abaranger and Time Ranger later had their own tribute episode.
Given the time frame, we predict it’s only going to be a short cameo of sorts, leading us to wonder for what reason in the plot is Goushi (Seiju Umon) to appear? Aka Ranger has previously been portrayed as the leader of all the teams in both the first episode of Gokaiger and 199 Hero, so its understandable that he would appear in the final episode to send off the anniversary series.
January 30, 2012 @ 10:43 am
Whaaaa … ZyuRanger was only the show that started the whole Power Rangers phenomenom, and has brought a lot of prestige, fame, and money to Toei!
And yet, no ZyuRanger tribute episode until the end???! This really sucks!
January 30, 2012 @ 10:46 am
P.S. What’s with the Yellow Ranger in a skirt?!! ZyuRanger’s Yellow Ranger was male, wearing pants like the other male rangers. Only in MMPR was the Yellow Ranger a female – and she didn’t wear a skirt with her outfit. Where did this photo come from?!
January 30, 2012 @ 11:46 am
This is when the Gokaiger team turned into Zyuranger and Ahim became Tiger Ranger. They added and removed skirts of Sentai characters depending if they were female or male.
January 30, 2012 @ 12:47 pm
P.S. What’s with the Yellow Ranger in a skirt?!! ZyuRanger’s Yellow Ranger was male, wearing pants like the other male rangers. Only in MMPR was the Yellow Ranger a female – and she didn’t wear a skirt with her outfit. Where did this photo come from?!
Oh, now I see! Since Gokai Yellow is female, when the Gokaigers got the ZyuRanger powers, the ZyuYellow power adjusted itself accordingly. I only wish Saban had done half-as-excellent-a-job when it was first adapting ZyuRanger.
January 30, 2012 @ 4:45 pm
To be fair to Saban, Gokaiger didn’t have to match new Gokaiger footage to old Zyuranger footage or in general had to pretend that Luka and Boi were the same. On that note, TigerRanger having a skirt is most likely not a shout out to PR, but just the result of Yellow being a girl, which is what we’ve been getting often anyway.