1. Tommybrevard
    June 21, 2011 @ 2:03 pm

    Great show. the movie didn’t bring up what happened to the love interest of Hongo from The First. Someone has to make new version that cut out most of the j-horror parts that does not have anything to do with the rider parts and bring it all togethet into a great rider movie

  2. Mike Cass
    June 29, 2011 @ 10:47 pm

    I think most of the questions with Chiharu can be answered with simple logic.

    Here powers are clearly a result her botched cyberization.

    Cyberization in of itself seems to grant all sorts of powers as seen in the first movie.

    So, the phantom Chiharu is are result of the movies Applied Phlebotinum. Meaning it could very well not be mystical. It could easily be a large mass of nanobots in the form of Chiharu acting on her impulses.

    I would like to see what the original screenplay and script to see what happened to the story.

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