When you think of Reality shows, the words “Steaming Pile of Crap” come to mind. However, Japanese television tends to make the genre more interesting and not make you feel like punching your neighbor in the face. Recently, one show tends to stand out amongst the rest and has made Japanese gamers rejoice. Its name; Game Center CX.

Game Center revolves around Japanese comedian Shinya Arino and his fictional job at the titular game company. Each episode, Arino has till midnight to beat a certain game chosen for that episode. These titles range from modern titles like Steel Batallion to classics like Megaman. Sometimes he manages to beat the game before midnight and other times, he hast to call it quits. (One game proved to be so difficult that it took two episodes to try and beat!) If he does well and manages to beat a few games, he gets promoted. Likewise, if he gives up on a game, he gets demoted.
Check out this clip to see some of the awesomeness of the show for yourself!
The show’s proven to be so popular that it’s gotten its own Nintendo DS game that really caters to those hardcore old school fans with NES-Styled graphics and multiple minigames to keep you occupied for hours. Check out the specs here.
Now the questions you’re probably asking is “Where can I get this?!”
Luckily, if you rummage through TokyoTosho you can find raw episodes. In addition, TVN has subbed the exclusive segment to the third DVD set. In it, Arino faces off against Transformer: Mystery of Convoy, a game that may not be as simple as it seems…
Now if only G4 had the insight to subtitle and release this series ala Ninja Warrior/Sasuke. Anything’s better than more re-runs of Cops.
Till the next, hold AB and press start.