I haven’t really been plugging this that much but I recently forged an alliance with the Powers that Be at Otaku USA Magazine. As a result, I’ve scored a monthly column in the Tokyoscope section of the mag. This month, it’s a brief look at Kamen Rider Den-O which I’m sure will get many fans out there freaking out at the very concept of Kamen Rider in an American magazine that isn’t calling it Power Rangers 😛
In addition, there are reviews from Daryl and Clarissa from Anime World Order, Dave from Fast Karate for the Gentleman, Paul Chapman from The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast, and more!
So what the hell are you doing sitting there reading this? Go out and buy Otaku USA Issue 3 NOW!
October 24, 2007 @ 10:48 am
Congratulations, Mike!