That man, the start of zero.
Airs June 3rd 2007.
Could the man that appeared before Ryotaro and Hana, Sakurai Yuuto, be the same Yuuto Airi was engaged to?
Ryotaro keeps asking only to get unclear answers from Yuuto, who tells him not to contact the Yuuto Ryotaro met in the past.
An Imagin called Deneb was possessing Yuuto. Deneb, being more calm than Yuuto, tells him to change his attitude, just to be told off himself.
Ryotaro wants to meet the Yuuto in the past one more time. So he asks the Owner if they can go back there on the Den Liner but…
May 31, 2007 @ 1:01 am
Is the guy who plays Yuuto the same guy who played Kamen Rider Ibuki?
March 17, 2008 @ 12:09 pm
Yeah, the one who plays Yuuto (Nakamura Yuichi) is the one who played Ibuki (white hibiki)