Hey all! Been awhile since ye’ve heard from me last, hasn’t it?
So yeah, everybody has probably hear about the Transformers pre-release frenzy, with fans divided and complaining, turning into another Marvel Civil War of sorts…minus the cash spent on tie-ins.
However, while most of us have finally plugged our ears, trying to ignore the fanboy wars, one fan has come forward to rock the world. To show us all why exactly Michael Bay’s version will rock hard.
I give you. Bay’s Touch
And now, back to ACen prep. FREAKIN’ SUITE HERE WE COME!
May 9, 2007 @ 2:07 am
Ha ha, love it. It goes both ways really, it makes fun of fanboys for and against the film…and that WOULD make for a great soundtrack song, peititions will only work so much though (as in never)