1. Jessica Martinez
    April 30, 2014 @ 9:11 am

    Started off promising enough. Good production value up front. The news scenes really work, considering this must be a low-budget film. But the lead actor….who is kidding who? Please tell me this is not the director since he should learn to stay behind the camera. Looks the part but one-dimensional acting and one-note actor, doesn’t know what to do with those flippers he calls hands. He’s just a terrible actor. Better editing and more creative camera work could’ve saved this. As it stands it’s just hard to watch. Maybe things will improve in part 2.

    • Keith Justice Hayward
      May 1, 2014 @ 3:57 pm

      Having done this in one month with a powerfully limited budget, I’m pretty damn impressed with his work. Also.. the finale is pretty incredible, once again given the budget and time it was done in.

      • Jessica Martinez
        May 3, 2014 @ 3:20 am

        I guess, for me, I don’t grade these things on a curve. One of my favorite hobbies in the world is to play my electric piano while streaming it into my computer using a program called “Garage Band” on my boyfriend’s Mac. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to share it with the public and call it art and proclaim myself a musician. I do it for me. I don’t pretend it’s good enough to peddle. I’m sure this film is very “impressive” when you take into consideration how hard it is to make a movie in the first place. The fact that this kid made this movie with no money and little time and no resources makes it even more impressive. But who is kidding who here? That doesn’t mean I have to like it, especially when it’s this bad. The acting is cringe-worthy and I was bored to tears only a few minutes into it. So “as impressive as the effort is” it doesn’t do me any good since I’m still stuck watching something that blows. The whole “this is a bad day joke” is an example of what I’m speaking about. Just a very insecure, self-conscious movie. It doesn’t have to compete with “The Avengers” or something on that level. On its own level, just tell me a good story. Or keep it interesting. A low budget doesn’t prevent you from composing shots coherently or finding people who can actually act (there is a lot of great non-celebrity actors in every local town) or even just taking the time to write an interesting story with interesting dialogue. This had none of that. This is just a fan film that is like one-hand clapping for itself. Congrats, you got to star in your own version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! I’m sure you like watching yourself in it. Next time make a movie that an actual audience might enjoy with you. Otherwise, what’s the point?

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