HJU Radio: Girls in Trouble, Session #5

Henshin Justice Unlimited Radio
Henshin Justice Unlimited Radio
HJU Radio: Girls in Trouble, Session #5

Fangire Queen and angelicnoir are back and you get to go out with them on a little cyber-date in this session. Just two ladies this round. Close.. intimate… and totally geeky.
Here’s my favorite quote from the podcast:
“Doctor Who used to be about space and science and scary shit… and drama. Doctor’s life affecting all these people! Moffet took over and the Doctor became as graceful as a baby giraffe. And about as intelligent as an 11 year old. Instead of being the very oldest and last of his kind.. and being the fucking DOCTOR and now he’s a fucking joke.” -Fangire Queen
Click on and enjoy. Toku 101 coming soon. HJU Radio #33… also coming down the pipe. Thanks for tuning in. 😉
Geek Score Card:
Angie’s Trip to Japan
Vampire Diares
Soul Caliber 5
Keith/Vangelus/Takumi SlashFic
The Walking Dead
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