HJU Radio #38 – Kamen Rider Wizard News & Kamen Rider OOO: WONDERFUL the Shogun and the 21 Medals

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Happy 4th of July listeners! HJU Radio returns to ease you all through the week. This episode we dig deep in to all the new Kamen Rider Wizard news that’s been hitting the interwebs and then after that, we kick back and enjoy some monster kicking fun with Eiji and Ahnk from the beloved Kamen Rider OOO’s. Ahead a time…. sorry about all the Fourze bashing I do in the episode. The rest of the boys mostly keep me in line with that, but.. I have hard time controlling myself.
The Geek Score Card:
True Blood
LOTS of Kamen Rider Fourze & Go-Busters Talk!
Legend of Korra
TMNT: Fast Forward
Our RagTag Group of Podcasters is as Follows:
Tristan of the Hero Power Blog
Craig “The Scream Man” Moore of the Fwooshcast!
IgaDevil of IgaDevil.Com