There’s a ton of gaming options for Power Rangers fans out there, but sometimes, you just gotta do it yourself! With the success of the recent Chroma Squad, we decided to check out a couple of other games from independent sources. We stumbled across Poki, an english and japanese flash game portal with several games based on popular franchises, including a couple Power Rangers games! Hit the jump to learn more about them!
The first game I checked out was Power Rangers Super Transformation.
You get to play as the Samurai Rangers in a side scrolling platformer! It’s decently animated, and each Ranger has unique abilities.
Oddly enough, only Red Samurai (Jayden) is not in Super Samurai form. The other Rangers appear in their Super Forms, so why not him?
Jayden can slash his sword, and Mia detects hidden objects such as mines. Mike, inexplicably, can’t jump, but can shoot vines to swing from branches, as well as shooting what seem to be Magical Seeds. Kevin, the Ranger with the element of Water, for some reason, cannot cross water! He also shoots fireballs from his bow, but I can’t tell if they actually do damage.
And Emily…well…she Spin Dashes.
I don’t understand it either. I also don’t yet know what it does.
I played through the first level. It’s not a terrible game, especially for a flash game. It’s a fun way to kill 15 minutes if you’re in the mood. Give it a try here, and see if you can get the Gold Ranger to appear!
Next, I tried Power Rangers: Mystic Training, featuring the Mystic Force Rangers!
It’s a collection of Five “Training” mini games with the Rangers, leading to a final level where you defend Rootcore from enemy attack!
Each game has different rules, such as this game featuring Mystic Blue, where you create pillars of water for her to jump across!
This game has you using Mystic Green to grow trees to intercept Fireballs!
The Mystic Red game has you using the Fire Sword to intercept Fireballs, while Pink’s is similar to infinite runner games, where you must change form to be at the correct height to dodge obstacles. Yellow’s game involves using his crossbow to destroy targets.
Overall, this game was fun, but inconsistent. I couldn’t always get the game to cooperate with what I wanted it to do, but when it did, it was definitely a fun time. The Mystic Blue Training was my favorite of the bunch.
Poki has a few other Power Rangers games, as well as even more games on their Japanese portal. I didn’t get much chance to dive in like I did the English site, but let us know if you find anything interesting, and maybe I’ll review it next!
Do you have any flash games that are toku themed that you enjoy? Let us know in the comments and I may take a look at them next! Until then, let us know in the comments and forums if you’d like to see more articles like this, and be sure to keep it here for the latest in tokusatsu news!
July 24, 2015 @ 12:45 pm
Super Transformation is just a reskinned Ben 10 game I played when I was a kid. Mia is Wildmutt, Mike is Wildvine, Kevin is Heatblast and Emily is Cannonbolt. They didn’t even bother to change the enemies! The only new thing is Jayden, I guess, because I don’t think Ben could attack in the game.
tl:dr, Super Transformation is super lazy.
November 12, 2015 @ 5:40 am
I found your article quite randomly looking for power ranger games. Thanks man, you sold it to me XD