Saban wants to know how you feel about the Power Rangers Dino Charge Theme! Hit the jump to check out both the instrumental and full versions of the song, and leave your feedback in the comments and forums!
With Lyrics
What do you think of the new Theme? Let us, and most of all, let Saban know in the comments and forums,and be sure to keep it here for the latest Tokusatsu news!
December 5, 2014 @ 11:56 am
Take out “Dino Charge, All Together” and the name roll call (if there is one) and we’re good. Otherwise, GREAT effort and massive improvement from the last two shows.
December 5, 2014 @ 11:57 am
Huh. Never thought I’d see the day where Saban wanted fan feedback.
Well, here’s my feedback:
The theme song KICKS ASS! A vast improvement over Samurai & Megaforce’s theme songs, where this song has a lot more lyrics this time around and the chanting in the song is magnificent.
Saban, if you see this comment, I say you’re definitely getting back into the groove of things with Dino Charge. Keep riding the train like this and you’re golden.
December 5, 2014 @ 11:57 am
Well, there seems to be actual effort put into this song, rather then just a shameless remix of the Mighty Morphin theme. While I know it does have elements of that theme, it also has mostly new content making it a much better theme then Samurai, Mega and Super Mega Force
December 5, 2014 @ 12:01 pm
I love them both! IMO way better than the “Go Go” remix we got for Samurai through Super Megaforce. It gets me charged up for the new season. February can not get here soon enough! 😀
December 5, 2014 @ 12:03 pm
There must have been a lot of feedback saying to go in a Zeo direction for the theme, and they very much succeeded. Love it.
Hopefully they don’t include the names in the opening like they did for Samurai and Megaforce.
December 5, 2014 @ 12:07 pm
Great theme, though retaining “Rangers Forever, [team name] All Together” niggles. (“Rangers Together, Dinosaurs Forever!” would have worked slightly better, perhaps)
December 5, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
Take out the go go power Rangers and rangers forever in the song it’s over used. Just use Dino charge or getting charged as a chorus line for the theme.
December 5, 2014 @ 12:10 pm
first of all,let me just say how much it appreciate it, saban that you guys are becoming more collaborative and open with the fans,involving them and their feedback in how to move forward and progress the franchise
we are loving it and this is a step forward and hopefully a sign of better things to come for power rangers
for the theme song,honestly,i love it,the tribal themes give it a rich ancient powerful feeling and that final “power rangers dinocharge” rocks
i would suggest ditching the “rangers forever, dinocharge altogether” line as that is waay to reminiscent of the samurai and megaforce themes which doesnt bring good memories and is the only spot on an otherwise rock solid theme
dont do the roll calls on the opening as that just breaks the flow and momentum,if possible,can you do another more rock like version in line with the old saban themes?please get in touch and reconnect with ron wasserman,you 2 are made for each other
other than all that,rock solid theme,look into the “rangers forever….” line and try to make the theme a bit more active and rock like but other than that.mega awesome
heres to hoping the power helps you and we finally get the promised new refreshing take on power rangers
December 5, 2014 @ 12:11 pm
I like the singer, I like the sound, I honestly don’t hate the whole “ranger forever” line.
I dig it.
December 5, 2014 @ 12:21 pm
Hello, I’ve been a fan of PR, like many, since the MMPR days, and I’m glad there’s a new generation of kids growing up with the show like I did. As for the theme, the theme is by far the best one since Saban got the rights back a few years back, but sadly that’ not saying much, since for 4 years now we have had only modified versions of the MMPR theme from 1993, and even now the theme for Dino Charge, while different, is 50% the same as the previous ones. Music has always, ALWAYS been part of the Power Ranger legacy, I don’t think the show would have taken off without the amazing music of Ron Wasserman, both for the opening theme and the fight scenes, I’m not saying to get Ron back to make the music, but make every season get their own identity, copy pasting the MMPR theme every year won’t equal success, it will just get tiresome, look at other themes from other seasons like lightspeed rescue, wild force, dino thunder, SPD, keep the heavy metal aspect of the music that has been synonymous with the show for so long, but make a new theme from scratch, sure, add the necessary ‘go power rangers’ in there somewhere, but make something new, fast paced, exciting, personally Dino thunder’s theme is a great example as well as Wild Force’s theme. I really want this season to go all out, from the moment the show starts with the theme music, good luck Saban.
December 5, 2014 @ 12:30 pm
I really like the instrumental version! It’s fast paced and memorable. Feels right for a Power Rangers series. The lyric version, on the other hand is not good. The chanting in the background is annoying and silly. The main singer’s voice is bland and boring. The words themselves are tolerable, but really uninteresting and generic. It’s nice to see the theme songs moving away from the “Mighty Morphin’-centric” and start to have their own feel, while calling back the hook of “Go go, Power Rangers” is a nice way to keep it connected to the other series themes. Overall, I like the song, but the singer leaves a lot to be desired.
December 5, 2014 @ 12:35 pm
being a number 1 fan back when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when it first came on tv i think the songs have gone down hill ever since power rangers samurai you use go go power rangers then you use it again in power rangers megaforce and again in super megaforce so i thought maybe they will make a new song for power rangers dino charge when i hurd the song the start was really good but then you let me down when you put go go power rangers and rangers together like in a mix we all want something new for a change instead of the same songs being remixed well done you just killed power rangers
December 5, 2014 @ 12:38 pm
The new Dino Charge Theme has a great new energy to it. It brings that old school Power Rangers Theme Song feel with the lyrics, while still using bits of the Samurai and Megaforce that sound great. The music itself has a jungle like feel to it that adds that great energy to it. Overall amazing new theme!
December 5, 2014 @ 12:51 pm
Was actually excited up until the old MMPR style came in to theme. Stop it, go back to making original themes.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:02 pm
Get rid of the MMPR, Samurai and Megaforce influences on it. Go Go Power Rangers is played out now. Turbo, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force and R.P.M stood out cause they all had no ties to the whole Go Go Power Rangers thing. Either play the instrumental or give this thing new lyrics.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:05 pm
great work saban….finally we have a theme song which does not follow the same gogo power rangers fashion that we were listning during power ranger samurai…the theme is energetic and increases our expectation from the show…once again good job Saban !!
December 5, 2014 @ 1:13 pm
Okay I will admit it is cool. But if they can get rid of the “Rangers Forever, Dino Charge! All Together.” With something more catchy I would like it even more. Cause I’m sure me and several other people have gotten tired of that part completely.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:19 pm
This song is awesome. Finally, we can hear the song that have any lyrics, not only “Go Go Power Rangers” …
December 5, 2014 @ 1:30 pm
It’s not good. They need to use different lyrics like with Turbo – RPM.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:31 pm
I love this so much. Best theme we’ve had in years to be honest.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:43 pm
The instrumental is great but the vocals are terrible!
December 5, 2014 @ 1:44 pm
get rid of the mighty morphin theme plug in. lets make this season ACTUALLY original. not hoping that past success will help push this season
December 5, 2014 @ 1:53 pm
Please no more Go go Power Rangers and DEFINITELY no more ‘Rangers Forever, whatever altogether’, two seasons are enough. Give us original songs like Ron Wasserman did with each season.
December 5, 2014 @ 1:58 pm
Other than the use of the MMPR “Go, go Power Rangers” and the reuse of “Rangers forever” this would be a contender for one of the best and most energetic ever.
December 5, 2014 @ 2:14 pm
I like the idea that the theme is going for.If you can though take out the Go Go Power Rangers part cause it doesn’t fit as well as it did in Super Megaforce
December 5, 2014 @ 2:15 pm
I like the primal beat. It fits the theme.
I like the tone of the singer. It wasn’t a complete rehash of the original MMPR theme, and it wasn’t rap. All good things!It caught me off guard because my expectations from the last few years weren’t high.
It works in the classic stapes, “Go Go Power Rangers” and the “all together” theme.
My only light criticism is that the lyrics are kind of generic and nothing besides explicitly saying “Dino Charge” relates it to the show. Past examples are:
PR in Space – “Flip on thrusters, Fire the rockets…”
Time Force – “Racing to another time, Chrono Morphers are online…”
Looking back, other seasons don’t adhere to that so it may be more of a personal preference. Beyond that, great job!!
December 5, 2014 @ 2:15 pm
I love this theme, it really got me pumped up and has a nice energetic feel to it. Trouble is, when I tried to sing it myself, I wound up going “Go Go Power Rangers, Don’t you ever give up, Go Go Power Rangers, You will Rise to the Top, Go Go Power Rangers, Dino Charge! Power Rangers.” Instead of Rangers Forever, All Together. Otherwise, I find this to be an excellent song, right in line with Zeo. I do personally hope to keep the anthem in for future seasons though, as Go Go Power Rangers is the anthem. At least, as long as the Go Go Power Rangers actually meshes well with the rest of the song in the public’s opinion. (Really, songs are a very subjective subject, and the quality depends all on the individual’s taste. Call them crazy, but there are people who hate Disney songs, but think the Teletubies theme is the best thing since sliced bread.) So yeah, I may love it, but I will say that the song may need a little tweak to the vocals, like the word define, needs to be a bit more clear. And as I agree with some others, the Rangers Forever, All Together bit should be changed. I think my suggestion is best, since it goes well with the flow in my opinion, much like how “Go Go Power Rangers, ZeeeO! Power Rangers” did in the Zeo theme.
December 5, 2014 @ 2:18 pm
Sorry, meant to say “Don’t you ever stop.” When I quoted the song lyrics.
December 5, 2014 @ 2:21 pm
I Can’t say that I liked the song as a whole because of the go go power Rangers and the forced rhyme with forever and all together. This brings back horrible memories of samurai and megaforce. This group should have its own identity instead.
I really hope red isn’t a spotlight hogging douce like Daigo and that blue and green are better used in the series than Nosan and Souji.
Also, a human silver from the beginning, please.
December 5, 2014 @ 2:24 pm
The theme is a very good step in the right direction from over the past few themes we’ve gotten. The music fits the theme of the show and the lyrics are very appropriate for this season. There is only one thing that I personally can suggest, and that is to not have the characters say their names during the intro like Samurai & Megaforce’s respective themes. It takes you out of the overall immersion of the show. The show shouldn’t have to state their name in the song every time you tune in to watch it. If you want the characters to be memorable for kids and fans then have them do memorial things in the show. There are many other shows and media that don’t have to remind kids who the main characters names are in the song. Everyone knew the names of the MMPR cast without having their names shoehorned into their theme. I just hope that you take this constructive criticism into consideration.
December 5, 2014 @ 2:33 pm
Absolutely love it! The mix of old and new lyrics and musical notes blends really well!
December 5, 2014 @ 2:50 pm
really good and a huge improvement
December 5, 2014 @ 3:21 pm
Saban should take out the “Rangers forever, dino charge all together part” and maybe make the theme more fast paced. but most importantly…………BRING BACK RON WASSERMAN OR JEREMY SWEET OR ANYONE THAT MADE THE ROCK MUSIC DURING THE ZORDON ERA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe bring any of them back for the fight themes’ instead of having just background music. If Saban does that, the fights will feel awesome and fast paced and ratings can go up. I always feel excited when I watch any fight scene from MMPR-In Space because of the fast paced Rock music in the background.
December 5, 2014 @ 4:09 pm
I really like this theme! I appreciate that they’ve gone away from the generic rock music and made something that matches up with the unique concept of the show (something that seasons like Samurai, Ninja Storm, and Jungle Fury failed to do). I like the clean melody and the more eloquent vocals, too. That said, I’m not a big fan of rehashing the “Go Go Power Rangers” chorus. It’s fine for the first bit, but the whole thing just feels underwhelming compared to the rest of the song. But hey, at least there’s no rap.
December 5, 2014 @ 4:11 pm
Its freakingvawsome. Now can we just put the same quality into the toys as Japan does?
December 5, 2014 @ 4:17 pm
I personally think this is a HUGE upgrade from the Samurai and Megaforce themes. As long as there’s no roll call like you used to do for Samurai and Megaforce then we’re good.
December 5, 2014 @ 4:20 pm
Just take the go go power rangers out cause they used it for 3 seasons but keep all the other stuff but take out go go power rangers cause we want something unique 😉
December 5, 2014 @ 4:41 pm
If there is a name roll call in the opening, take it out (as others have said). I don’t mind the Rangers Together bit as it ties into the past few seasons and the “Go Go Power Rangers” tune/words have been in every iteration of the opening theme since Zeo. Great work though, really gets me ultra excited for the new season!
December 5, 2014 @ 4:52 pm
I was liking the song so far but im tired of go go power rangers being used and the rangers forever dino charge altogether part wasnt helping
December 5, 2014 @ 5:00 pm
instrumental great… with vocals there are some lines that doesnt seem the need to be there but the line dino charge all together seems a bit fine considering i am expecting a character that would be a similar to daigo “king” kyoryu-red and the others since they are all always energized and charged… by the way do dinocharge also have a dance sequence or you guys made something different?
December 5, 2014 @ 5:12 pm
Exclude any line about Power Rangers, and it’s so meaningless it could be for anything. AS it’s certainly not telling you anything about the show.
A Damn improvement over endlessly recycling remixes of a song you stopped using for a reason, but not much better. a Good theme song is about the show, or has elements that sync up with the shows Elements and story themes.
I don’t even like the instrumentals of it either. at least as an opening theme song. It sounds more like background music…which, if it’s going to be used like that in the show? Great. but it doesn’t get me excited or interested to watch the show.
Overall, it’s just bland and generic.
But seriously, guys. Stop with the “Go Go power rangers” thing. We get it, you have the show back. But the original song was not the best one produced, and the remixes have been terrible. Splicing it in contrasts too heavily with the rest of the theme heavily, and increases the detractable elements to it. So Stop ape-ing it. Go off script a bit, get some actual talent composing this. Noam Kaniel’s just not cutting it.
December 5, 2014 @ 5:15 pm
First priority: Don’t ever use the name roll-call during the opening. EVER.
Second, just change the Rangers Forever, Dino Charge All Together to something original.
December 5, 2014 @ 6:02 pm
You did good, Saban. Alot better compared to Samurai and Megaforce. Samurai was fine since it was a return to Power Rangers by Saban but Megaforce was just lazy with changing the lyrics and some of the beats. Dino Charge though……….that was a mark improvement. But a word of advice: the next series really shouldn’t have anything to do with “Go Go Power Rangers”. As much I loved Mighty Morphin, the whole throwback to the original show in recent series has just been TOO overplayed. We need something fresh and I feel that Dino Charge is just the first step to that.
December 5, 2014 @ 6:15 pm
The “Rangers Forever, Dino Charge All Together” part bugs me too. I mean, “Rangers Together, Samurai Forever” was specifically a Samurai catchphrase, and neither Megaforce nor Dino Charge have much to do with the Samurai rangers so they shouldn’t really keep using it. I mean, it doesn’t sound bad, but it just makes me feel like they gave up on trying to come up with something more original. I know they can come up with a better line than that, and they should. The “Go Go Power Rangers” part of it though is fine, since it does represent the whole series up to now and they did at least try to do something different with it.
December 5, 2014 @ 6:22 pm
I personally love the theme. The build up at the beginning, and ending is glorious. The go go doesn’t bother me, but at least we have something fresh, and original here.
December 5, 2014 @ 6:25 pm
The theme is leaps and bounds above the Megaforce and Samurai themes. I love it, great job!
December 5, 2014 @ 6:33 pm
I agree with the others, the Rangers Forever part is overused, in fact, i think it could be better putting a little bit of rock just like in Overdrive or SPD, even the sounds of Dinosaurs, something like that, i hope Saban consider this to relase a new one or for future series.
December 5, 2014 @ 6:58 pm
It’s an improvement from the past three seasons, it has more emotion in it. But it’s too generic. They don’t say ANYTHING about the theme of the season. In Space had “Set controls to outer space now flying higher than ever before.” Dino Thunder had “With the force of ages, centuries gone by.” Ninja Storm had “Speed of the wind, strength like thunder.” Each original song emphasized the theme of the season. I could take the lyrics of the song and apply it to any other season. Granted, not all of them were as creative as the ones previously mentioned, but they made sure you understood the theme. They need to give the original theme a rest. It’s 2014 going on 2015, it’s time to move into the future with something new.
December 5, 2014 @ 8:05 pm
Def an improvement loving the motivational instrumental feel to the last four years but def change the instrumentals from :33-:48 & clean up the lyrics a bit like get rid a world full of stryfe, rangers forever altogether, change the vocalist add more guitar(think light speed)
December 5, 2014 @ 8:59 pm
I think the song is great but I want you to change the part of altogether and put fight together instead 😀
December 5, 2014 @ 9:06 pm
Sabah first let me say thanks for letting us give you feedback. Great theme except the whole “GoGo Power Rangers Rangers forever Dino Charge altogether” I suggest if I may since we have Dinosaurs and the song mentions survival something like “Roar Power Rangers Prehistoric Strenght Surviving Dino Charge” to replace those parts. It seems great to me.
December 5, 2014 @ 9:13 pm
This theme is substantially better than the last two. But in the future take out the “rangers together” lines. We get it, its a team and all that but it comes off as lazy. I personally miss the days of light-speed rescues and time force where every season had a song that specifically represented that team of rangers. Also no more name calling during the opening credits. Kids are smart they will remember the names of the characters once they get to know the show. Reminding them every episode just….I don’t know kind of seems like you’re undermining their intelligence.
All in all its on the right track to being a good season.
December 5, 2014 @ 9:18 pm
GREAT step up from the last 4 seasons
December 5, 2014 @ 9:39 pm
No more go go power rangers. So getting sick of that. And the altogether line, is so 2 years ago. But instrumental is inspiring. Need something along the lines of the Dino Thunder theme. It was heroic and inspiring in it’s own way.
December 5, 2014 @ 9:47 pm
I made an extended version for anyone interested!
December 5, 2014 @ 9:48 pm
I’m gonna echo a few things I saw in the comments.
First off, I absolutely agree that the primal feel is really excellent for the dinosaur theme. I love that it actually feels like a dinosaur season.
Gonna have to agree with a bunch of others also on removing a few things. I’m okay with “go go power rangers” as it’s literally iconic, but “rangers forever, all together” got old fast. I like seasons that use the season name in the theme (“SPD Emergency! ” is literally the definition of that theme and it’s amazing. Power Rangers Zeo also had an AMAZING theme with the choir-style “Zeeeeeeeeeeo” in the background).
On the vocal side, I can literally take it or leave it. I’m not a huge fan of the middle-range stuff but his highs still feel powerful so I’m okay with it from that range. As for instruments though, I’m definitely going to go with a bunch of the other voices here and just yell “MORE GUITAR! MORE RIFFS!”
I love that Saban is actually asking for feedback and I hope beyond hope that this means that Dino Charge is going to be the season we have all been waiting for since Saban got the rights back!
December 5, 2014 @ 10:01 pm
It’s a great improvement. The old theme song is over-used. I would take out “go go Power Ranger” and “rangers together lines and we would be good. Those parts are also getting super old.
December 5, 2014 @ 10:09 pm
Think Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, and Dino Thunder…these could be good sources of inspiration.
December 5, 2014 @ 10:12 pm
The tune is darned catchy, but I could live without the “go go Power Rangers” and “Rangers together” parts because they’re really overdone (and the less I’m reminded of Megaforce, the better). I adore the version AkiraLeeJounouchi posted on RangerCrew that switched to instrumental parts to remove those particular lines.
December 5, 2014 @ 10:12 pm
No lie this is my new phone ringer right here. Don’t you change a thing. I love it. Great song to get you pumped with a good call back to Go Go Power Rangers that doesn’t feel forced or like a straight rehash.
December 5, 2014 @ 10:53 pm
keep the gogo power rangers jingle cause it worked on the zeo & turbo themes but I can go with or without them saying gogo power rangers, power rangers power rangers…. Also hope no roll call
December 5, 2014 @ 11:21 pm
The theme song is really good and a vast improvement over the last 4 years and sounds like an actual song but still think that since go go power rangers part as been played for the past 4 years, it needs to be replaced with something else
December 5, 2014 @ 11:40 pm
Remove the roll call, the Rangers forever, and the go go power rangers bits, and you have an amazing song here!
December 5, 2014 @ 11:51 pm
This is definitely up there in best Power Ranger theme songs. It really has gotten my charged up for upcoming season. But, like everyone else said, enough with the “Go Go Power Rangers” and “Rangers Together, Dino Charge! All Together!” it’s just becoming repetitive, and it’s not going to get better if it’s put in every single seasons. But take those out, and you have an AMAZING theme! Great job!
December 6, 2014 @ 1:47 am
I like it but at the same time, Power Rangers flows well with a heavier rock instrumental. I understand what they were going for but if you look at the first two dino themed rangers, the theme song had more energy. Go back to Rpm. The official theme was crap compared to a “runner-up” theme. I think the theme song is bland. Perhaps I’m fed up with the over use of the Mighty Morphin remixes but I think it is overrated, by far. A perfect example of a Power Rangers theme song would be Lightspeed Rescue’s theme.
December 6, 2014 @ 1:51 am
You completely butchered the MMPR theme. Please redo it or I’m never watching PR ever again.
December 6, 2014 @ 8:42 am
Dear Saban,
I am really digging this new song. It has a very primal feel to it and it really does go well with the theme of Dino Charge. Plus it has a 90s feel to it.
IMHO, this is like the first time i heard the zeo theme after listening to the original MMPR theme. took me a while to get used to it but i ended up loving it. Keep this version with the exception of “rangers forever, dino charge altogether”. We really could do away with that.
December 6, 2014 @ 12:12 pm
First, thank GOD this is an improvement. As much as I love the original MMPR song (and I LOVE it), we need some new theme music. I’m a huge fan of having a more upbeat song like this! I also love the use of different instruments, since it does set itself apart from other themes. The primal feel also fits the series aesthetic well. The only thing that I would change is that adding in a bit more guitar to the mix will really help the chorus part of the song.
I like the singer! He’s really into the song and it’s nice to have a person with a different register sing. Granted it’s still a smidge generic, but hell, I would rather have him over another mix of Go Go Power Rangers.
That all being said, my critiques are the following:
– Yes, I agree with the majority in making sure not to add in the Rangers names to the opening song. It just…doesn’t work, and it will definitely break up the momentum of the song itself.
– Take out the original chorus. The song was so much fun up to that point, but then when it hits the chorus, it’s right back into what we’ve heard the last 4 years. As much as I love “Go Go Power Rangers”, it’s been done way too much in the last 2 shows. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take out the “Rangers Forever” bits. Even for Power Rangers they’re pretty damn lame. :/
So the long and short of it: nice instrumental, though it needs a bit more rock arrangement to really kick off, singer and lyrics are fine up until we hit the chorus, which really needs to be scrapped and redone.
Thanks for letting us give advice! 😀
December 6, 2014 @ 12:21 pm
I hope they’d cut the Go Go Power Rangers.
Unless it has the super rock feel of the original, it’s no good.
December 6, 2014 @ 4:59 pm
stop it with the rangers forever (insert name here) together part, its boring,
December 6, 2014 @ 5:02 pm
It’s a really great theme, a major improvement over the Samurai and Megaforce themes, I have a better idea though – Change “Go Go power rangers, dont you ever stop” to “Diiinoo Chaarge, don’t you ever stop” and “Rangers Forever” to “Rangers together”
December 6, 2014 @ 6:23 pm
This is the kind of theme song that really pumps you up to watch an awesome show! While I don’t have too much of a problem with the characteristic MMPR lyrics, they’ve gotten old now and this could be improved upon by presenting the season’s title with something other than “Rangers Forever, [Season Name] All Together” at least.
December 6, 2014 @ 9:41 pm
listen to the power rangers fans take out go go power rangers and take out rangers together
December 6, 2014 @ 9:57 pm
saban’s mighty morphin power rangers it had action it had comedy and love it had everything that a power rangers fan could ever want even a movie and over the years we had new seasons of power rangers such as Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Power Rangers Zeo. Power Rangers Turbo Power Rangers in Space Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers Time Force Power Rangers Wild Force Power Rangers Ninja Storm Power Rangers Dino Thunder Power Rangers S.P.D. Power Rangers Mystic Force Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Power Rangers Jungle Fury Power Rangers RPM and theses season of power rangers had a new songs and lots of action but all that went down hill when they made Power Rangers Samurai Power Rangers Super Samurai Power Rangers Megaforce Power Rangers Super Megaforce beacuse they use the first ever season song of power rangers over and over they took away the atcion the comedy and the love now you think saban would have relise there mistake by now but when they made power rangers dino charge i listend to the song the start was good but they i hurd go go power rangers and rangers together so i notes they mixed the song its not what we all wanted that is why i made this i feel like they have walked over are childhood they took something that was good and wrecked it why i do not know they only show the old seasons of power rangers on sky like power rangers time force because its the best so should power rangers be banned so it wont get wrecked anymore you decide we tell them what wrong with it we ask for a new song but they keep using the old songs time and time again just and did you see the mess saban made of the mega war if you can call that a mega war so i am taking a stand that i wont just stand by anymore and let them wreck it anymore
December 6, 2014 @ 10:04 pm
December 7, 2014 @ 2:06 am
I think it’s good. It’s different enough to have it’s own personality.
December 7, 2014 @ 2:19 pm
I think Saban is starting to get away from trying to live the old days again. The theme has only elements of the original MMPR theme and not a remix. Although I feel like they tried to do the Zeo method, which is that they have new lyrics, new instrumentals, and new voice but have sampled the previous series’ lyrics. Otherwise great job, just take off the characters announcing their names and there you go. The (almost) perfect intro!
December 7, 2014 @ 10:24 pm
Beyond the theme, the music in general has been a HUGE detractor for me (for Power Rangers and Digimon).
Generally speaking, I love TV scores. However, I find Noam Kaniel’s music monotonous and without an ounce of subtlety. His trademark sound of “bum.Bum.bum.Bum!BUM!BUM!!” is tiring, it’s aggravating. It’s a huge detriment to my enjoyment, and has kept me behind in viewing.
As for the theme song…
Echoing many, I’ll say that as long as it’s largely new, I’m happy. Also, like many, I find the new “Go Go Power Rangers” arrangement to be quite inferior. Repeating it for Megaforce with a new little tag added on suggests a fear of change, not unlike Mighty Morphin sticking around for multiple seasons. (If it’s only the same as much as this [or even Zeo’s theme song], that’s fine.) You need to constantly refresh if you want longevity!
The roll call in main titles comes too early! It was fine with Mighty Morphin. Check out this edited version of Samurai (if it will link!) to see the roll call placed in the “correct” position…
If it doesn’t link, add “/watch?v=sNy0Slpi5bQ” after
December 9, 2014 @ 1:16 am
I like the theme, except don’t have the whole thing with the rangers calling out their names.
December 9, 2014 @ 6:45 pm
I like it it reminds of zeo using parts of the original but not letting be the focus of the song its a winner in my book but please no more roll calls in them please they’re so cringe worthy
December 9, 2014 @ 7:06 pm
Saban if you want to make a shit load of money and sell those cheap ass toys you got to draw in both the Kids and adults of the show. This song sucks, it sounds like you took a local artist and had him sing your bull shit theme. My point bring back Ron Wasserman pay him whatever he wants offer him whatever he wants. Your opening music was so much better after MMPR don’t loose that. If you watch youyube, right now buys are starting to not care about your show anymore. My own son no longer watches the show he’s board with it. Please change this theme bring Ron back for the fans give him creative rights over it. Don’t let your show die like Disney did with Overdrive.
December 9, 2014 @ 10:32 pm
I really like it. Please don’t add a the roll call cause it’ll just get in the way of what’s already a great song.
December 9, 2014 @ 10:44 pm
Music: Amazing.
Singing: Pretty good.
Lyrics: Not bad.
“Rangers Forever, Dino Charge Alltogether!”: No, No, No, NOOO! I am DONE with this. It was forced and contrived in 2011, and 2012, and 2013, and 2014. We’re done with this. Give us something unique to the theme of the series. We already have “Go, Go, Power Rangers” as the catch-all phrase. We never needed two of them.
December 10, 2014 @ 1:14 am
Awesome song. leagues above the last 3 seasons. If the writing is as good as this song i swear i will buy my nephew every toy lol (and a few for myself). Oh and you might want to keep an eye out for the things that made the series popular in japan. Kids are the same no matter where they are (sometimes adults too).
December 10, 2014 @ 4:07 am
Awful. Incredibly boring, don’t get me wrong its better than operation overdrive but that’s the only compliment its getting. All new lyrics, faster tempo, something interesting maybe?
December 10, 2014 @ 4:52 am
Takte out that “Rangers forever, Dino Charge all together” and substitute “Go Go Power Rangers” with “Power Rangers Dino Charge”…then i’m perfectly fine with it!
December 10, 2014 @ 7:10 am
I like the Theme. I like that they got away from the original MMPR theme. Just do us all a favor and do not put in the vocal roll call! I have always disliked that. The kids will learn their names without them screaming it out during the opening. I feel like it takes away from the theme and it is annoying.
That being said I like it.
December 10, 2014 @ 8:31 am
My favorite theme so far has been the theme to Jungle Fury. I like to use the word “fierce” when I describe it. It was fast. I could feel power behind it.
One of my favorite themes across all childhood shows was the intro to season 4 of Digimon (where the kids actually turned into the digimon). The Dino Charge theme reminded me of that a bit, especially the verse., and that’s why I really like the Dino Charge theme. My only complaint with it, as others have already mentioned, is the “rangers forever, all together” bit. It just seems like they made 75% of a song and then copypasta’d the rest in. So, Saban, if you see these comments, please consider rewriting the last bit of the song.
December 10, 2014 @ 8:47 am
It is great theme, but yes, take away the rangers forever part, somehow the go go power rangers part sounds good because of the never gonna stop part that follows it.
December 10, 2014 @ 9:21 am
I personally enjoy it. It’s its own song along with a hint of the original theme without getting overwhelmingly silly. It’s not that it just isn’t the original completely. The theme has a fun, primal adventure feel like we’re going to be dealing with an epic journey full of monstrous creatures all wrapped up in a half-hour kids show (clearly fitting). My primary hope is that the opening doesn’t have that Mickey Mouse Club roll call that tends to kill the mood of the jam. I swear every time I hear the shout of “Troy!” or “Jayden!” I expect a line of people with mouse ears dancing around pointing at themselves.
December 10, 2014 @ 9:24 am
I like them theme; however, I must agree that the “rangers forever, dino charge all together” part should really go. It really cheapens the quality of the song. On a side not, I hope there is no roll call like the previous two theme songs.
December 10, 2014 @ 7:04 pm
I’m really liking the beginning music which already evokes the feeling of a prehistoric tribal setting. The lyrics are also good for the most part. The only thing I feel could be altered is a different rhyming phrase after “You will Rise up to the Top.”
Like instead of “Rangers Forever, Dino Charge All together,” (which is very redundant since it’s the same from Megaforce) How about something like:
“Heroes Will Enter, (Dino Charge!) Look for Adventure”
just a thought
December 11, 2014 @ 1:15 pm
I really am impressed by the new theme. I love that it does pay homage to the MMPR theme, but at the same time it has a lot of this season’s own influence. I think that this is the balance that was needed in the past few themes. Not to mention the awesome beat coupled with the background chants layered in. And it’s always good when the theme has lyrics and not just the show’s titles in it.
December 12, 2014 @ 12:04 am
I like the theme better than the past four years. The only thing I would ask for is an extended version.
December 23, 2014 @ 1:43 pm
I’ve been watching since the show first debuted and I’m happy to share my input here and on the videos themselves. First, but not as important: the song reminds me of Kamen Rider Hibiki’s theme. Second: Honestly I like this theme more than the previous ones, it has potential. The problem is thatit feels too subdued for a PR theme song, and as others have mentioned; the “Go go power rangers/Rangers together” thing. The source material; Kyoryuger, was pretty high energy and I’m betting that on some level Dino Charge will be to; the theme needs to have some of that energy as well. If the series itself is going to be more serious than the original then fine, in that case the tribal/ancient vibe works just fine.
As for the “Go go” thing; it comes off as unnecessary, especially when other series in the post Zordon era didn’t need to piggyback off the standards set by the original 3 seasons & Zeo to a lesser extent. Personally it seems that by constantly rehashing this part in the theme, it says that you’re not confident in this series’ ability to stand on its own. Additionally it just clutters up the later part of the song and kind of removes the listener from the stage you were trying to set with the more ancient vibe in the beginning of the song.
December 27, 2014 @ 12:22 am
it sounded a little Danny Elfman at the start and it reminds me a loooot of the Digimon Frontier US theme.
But other than that I like it, it;s much better than anything they’ve done recently but again what’s with the MMPR creeping in again, if they hadn’t played it out by now I might’ve enjoyed it. Agreed take out the bad catchphrase, add a better one
December 27, 2014 @ 6:44 pm
I like the song and the addtional lyrics added this year. The Rangers Altogether could be left out as that has runs its course. Also, please do not include the role call this year, that partially runied the other themes. It detracts from the song.
November 27, 2015 @ 11:38 am
The song is awesome but go go power Rangers and rangers forever is the best part but the version beat is so great the chorus is so good and Dino charge part is so awesome- this is my feedback of Dino charge theme song don’t you ever stop go go power Rangers you will rise up to the top rangers forever Dino charge alltogether this song theme is awesome and I mean it’s so great I love it Saban you Don’t need to change it the theme song is so good and awesome the start and the end are great it’s okay thanks for your help that all for today