A new Mecha Anime is coming from Gen Urobuchi of Kamen Rider Gaim and Madoka fame: Aldnoah Zero.
Courtesy of Animenewsnetwork, the plot of the series is as follows: in 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity. Natsuki Hanae plays Inaho Kaizuki, the series’ lead protagonist and the tagline of the series is “Let justice be done. Though the heavens fall”
The series is a collaboration between Urobuchi himself and Ei Aoki, in the past the two have worked together on Fate/Zero, Urobuchi is the creator of the series while Ei Aoki acts as the director.
Aldnoah Zero is set to premiere July 5th, 2014.
SOURCE: Animenewsnetwork
Evoluder Kamina
June 25, 2014 @ 9:19 am
Gen Urobochi and Ei Aoki?? I’m in.
Joshua Cuyos
June 26, 2014 @ 12:13 pm
I’m still hoping that Toei gets Urobutcher again to write for Sentai this time.
July 1, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
Invaders from Mars?!? how can you go wrong with that?