Following a batch of announcements within the past several months regarding the release of a new Appleseed movie, the latest trailer reveal has arrived for director Shinji Aramaki’s new CG-animated action adventure thriller, Appleseed Alpha, courtesy of IGN. Produced by Halo: Legends helmer Joseph Chou, the film is the latest cinematic contribution to the franchise based on author Masamune Shirow’s 1985 cyberpunk manga publication, and will also serve as a prequel to the 2004 film, Appleseed, rebooting the story of female soldier Deunan, and her cyborg partner Briareos as they search for the city of Olympus.
The film will receive a DVD/Blu-Ray release on July 22, with a digital release planned for July 15, courtesy of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
Source: FilmCombatSyndicate