Shouting! Posing! Over-the-top manliness! That can only mean one thing! That’s right, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3 has been confirmed! Come see what we know about the Stardust Crusaders’ upcoming journey!
In the 47th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, which hit Japanese newsstands last Monday, there was a page confirming that Stardust Crusaders, which is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures Part 3, was in production. Much of the original production staff from David Production’s first season is returning to oversee Part 3. This includes directors Kaokatsu Tsuda and Kenichi Suzuki, and writer Yasuko Kobayashi. Taking the place of Masahiko Komino in adapting the manga’s original character designs is Takako Shimizu, who was the art director of the final episode of the last years Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure anime season.
Stardust Crusaders takes place in the year 1989, and once again follows the latest descendant of the Joestar family. In this case it’s Jotaro Kujo, grandson of Joseph Joestar from the Battle Tendency storyline. This is the most famous JoJo‘s storyline and introduces maybe the most influential aspect of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the Stands.
The announcement did not include an air date for Part 3’s premier, but a trailer for the series is expected to be shown at Jump Fiesta 2014. While no voice cast information was revealed, the recent JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle video game features several characters from this story arc. The safe bet is the Part 3 cast from the game reprising their roles for the anime adaptation… and that includes you-know-who.
(If you hate spoilers and somehow haven’t been spoiled on this one already, don’t watch the video below. Seriously, don’t do it.)