The nightmare…is actually kinda chatty as of late. The fallout for Eren’s revival has come forward. Will he be humanities greatest weapon or will he be executed for high treason a secret titan spy? You’re going to have to hit the link to find out!
Episode 9 opens with the Recon groups heading out on a mission and explaining that the increased amount of causalities is due to the Recon groups leaving on a mission the day before. We get more attention on commander Levi and some new girl with glasses that seems to be some sort of Titan otaku(Seriously?…Even in this world?). They exchange some banter as the Otaku spouts of hoping she can find some titans study some of the deviants with Levi saying he sees one right infront of him. We then cut to a battle were a soldier is in the process of being eaten while cursing the titan chewing on him. Levi comes in for the save and then proceeds to kill three more while trying to keep himself clean. Levi is much like Mikasa were he is a elite fighter able to take and defeat multiple titans on at once. His one little flaw is that he’s a compulsive clean freak and gets annoyed with titan blood staining his blades and clothes. We see that the otaku isn’t too bad her self as she avoids a titan that looks rather like Hagar from Final Fight rather effortlessly and killing it with ease. Levi comes down after his killing titans to see the soldier passing on swearing he will kill all the titans as the soldier finally succumbs to his wounds and passes.
We cut to Eren, who is not in a good way since he’s in a Titans stomach. Eren looks around seeing the dying, the dead, and digesting as he curses his fate. He wonders how it ended up like as he trained so hard and for it to end like this seems just cruel. Finally with a defiant scream he thrusts his stub in the air as the camera pans outs showing the titans throat. Finally and rather violently a titan hand erupts from the titan Eren is in, and then the Berserker is born bursting from the titans back killing it int he process. With Eren saying over and over how it’ll kill every titan the Berserker marches forward killing as smaller titan before starting it’s rampage.
As we cut back to the current time frame we see that Eren has been dreaming/remembering thing, while muttering he’ll kill everyone…surrounded by soldiers….all completely armed and ready to kill him if ordered. Our hero ladies and gentlemen. Once Eren totally wakes up he realizes the situation they are in as Armin pleads with Eren to tell them everything they know as they are surrounded by soldiers lead by that commanding officer that left the cadets to die in the HQ. Meanwhile on the other side of the town the rest of the group is resting and recovering from their escape with Connie relying their tale to Ymir and Krista. When Ymir questions were Mikasa and the others are to Jean, he merely replys that it is a secret, but with everyone seeing what Eren did it’s near impossible to keep covered up and soon all humanity will learn. We then switch to Hannes who is stationed on wall guard having a conversation with the rest of the guard. He is engaged in conversation about the current situation and when it’s questioned what about the kids he knew he just says that they’ll be fine as they are strongest he’s ever known.
We finally head back to Eren and company as they are being questioned by the commanding officer who is still scared witless threatening to kill them with a wall cannon should they fail to answer his questions. When asked if Eren is a titan or a human he doesn’t know how to answer since he still doesn’t realize that he’s the berserker and says he doesn’t understand the question. This of course only makes the matters worse as the commander thinks he’s doing it feigning ignorance and doing it on purpose. When Eren still doesn’t get it the commander spells it out for him saying nearly everyone saw Eren emerging from the corpse of the berserker. He further states that it’s his job to eliminate all threats to humanity and is worried that the Armor titan will show up to trash the wall again, so he doesn’t have the time or man power to waste on Eren. The commander also has a grey headed girl who I guess is his sub commander feeding his fears and not helping with matters, but does remind him he’s correct he doesn’t have time to waste on this. This is when Mikasa steps up and says pretty much “Come At Me Bro!” to the entire group saying she will more than likely kill all of them if they challenge her. At first the commander was going to have her killed, but a soldier reminds him that Mikasa is worth 100 average soldiers and losing her would be a great loss for humanity. The commander asks once more if Eren is human or titan this time Eren screams his human, this however just has the commander order the cannon to fire on them. As Mikasa turns to grab Eren as the cannon is in the process of being fired the key Eren’s father gives to him and a flood of memories bombards him remembering the injections his father forced on him and that all the mystery will be revealed if he goes to the basement. Episode nine ends with Eren biting himself as he grabs both Mikasa and Armin as the cannon ball streaks towards them. The bite causes him to transform and just in time he’s able to get his arm up to stop the cannon ball and scaring everyone around him horribly.
First I want to apologize for the lack of pictures, but this was a very exposition heavy episode. All in all it was pretty good despite being chatty, I nearly laughed my butt off on Eren sitting there saying he’ll kill them out while being completely surrounded and only being half awake. The commander is really getting on my last nerves, he’s a good character that embodies humanity irrational behavior and hatered when faced with the unknown, but that doesn’t make him any less annoying. The plot is finally starting to take shape as we see that we need to get Eren’s house in the over run town from earlier in order to learn the truth behind the titans. And we get more detail on the Recon troops as we learn a bit more about the individuals learning that Levi is a clean freak and that glasses chick is a Titan Otaku.