The Nightmare is still a bit chatty!Shots have been fired now that Eren’s abilities are revealed to the defense force. Will he find the truth that lies in the basement of his house or will he be executed for being a criminal of humanity? As always hit the link to find out!
The episode opens on the other side of town while all this stuff going on with Eren is happening Marco is talking to a soldier who is trying to commit suicide after being the lone survivor. Marco tries to use Sasha as an example who is still kinda freaked from her own near death experience. Naturally she has a crap ton of bread beside her and when she hears Marco trying to use her as an example she cries out saying she’s having some bad stomach pains and needs to be excused to the infirmary. Jean and the Trio(That’s what I’m calling Reiner, Bert, and Annie now) are worried for Eren’s safety since his secret is out. Of course this is answered with the cannon shot which startles everyone unaware thinking titans some how got into the inner wall. Jean and the Trio know better however and Reiner rashly rushes off quickly followed by the rest of the trio and Jean.
We cut back with Eren’s partially transformed body stopping the cannon ball while at the same time throwing up a smoke screen from both the transformation and the impact of the ball. Eren wakes up in the titan and hops out and down to Armin and Mikasa saying he’s got to get to the house it’s the only way to figure any of this stuff out. While at the same time the body begins to dissolve since Eren is no longer in it.
The commander even more scared that his attack failed immediately orders the cannon to be reloaded and readied to fire once. His grey haired lackey calls his name Commander Felman as Felman is physically shaken stepping back as the titans head comes off and crashing to the ground. Meanwhile Eren states he has two plans the first being he transform and make a break for it, this would end up with him being labeled as a war criminal the rest of his life. Mikasa immediately says she’s join him and wouldn’t get in the way, but says that if she becomes a burden during the journey to no bother with her. While Mikasa and Eren bicker Armin hops back on the pity train and rides it all the way to self doubtville once again. Seriously this kid must have a life time a pass that place. Eren then reminds Mikasa and Armin that he has a second plan, which is to have Armin convince Felman that he’s an asset to humanity instead of a danger. Armin has several flashbacks and comes to the realization that even if he is a coward physically, he can still defend his friends mentally and decides to help talk their way out of being executed.
Armin charges out of the smoke and gives the best salute a soldier can give and starts best speech he can give. And while at first it seems that he has convinced Felman, fear takes over again and raises his arm to have the cannon fired again. However he doesn’t give to give the second fire command as his commanding officer Pixis arrives and relieves him. Pixis makes a remark that for a man of Felmans size he’s still scares as easily as a deer.
We find ourselves on the wall bridge as Prixis makes some odd comments before getting to bussiness. He first questions Armin about his statement that if he really meant it or he was merely saying anything he could to save his life. Armin to his credit says both which Pixis approves. He then questions if Eren will use his power to go along with Armin’s plan to use his titan form to get the boulder that was to large to move with conventional means and plug the hole in Trost. Eren says unsure if he can since he’s still doesn’t know if he can control his titan form. Prixis says he’s not asking Eren if can do it, but if he will do it. After some thought Eren says he will. With that the episode draws to a close.
Again another exposition heavy episode so a bit less on the pictures. We get some good face time with Pixis finally and as I thought he’s one of those outside of the box thinking commanders. We get to see Armin go into and over come self doubt again hopefully for the last time. We finally see the last of Felman hopefully for the last time as well. So far I’m pretty happy as we’ve still not hit filler yet and the series only seems to be picking up steam.