E3 is now fully underway, and Sony just wrapped up their press conference. PS4’s release information was fully disclosed during the press conference along with the initial library of games. Square Enix would make an appearance with two surprising announcements!
First off, after being kept in the dark for a long time regarding the fate of Final Fantasy Versus XIII, a new trailer was shown during the conference complete with gameplay footage. But at the end, the Versus XII would morph into the logo for Final Fantasy XV! That’s right, Versus XIII has been rebranded into the next installment of the Final Fantasy franchise.
The next surprise would come from the video that followed. While not exactly a full trailer, they did announce that Kingdom Hearts 3 was officially in development, though not a whole lot of the game was shown off.
June 11, 2013 @ 12:27 am
i think t’was VERSUS XIII & not VERSUS XII … 🙂
June 11, 2013 @ 6:14 pm
Also, that’s not actually the right logo for XV; the real one has the head kinda sideways-and-broken looken…