Confirmed as a web exclusive in last wave of Figureoh reveals, an official gallery for S.H.Figuarts White Wizard has now gone live. Hit the jump to view these new pics!
The Wizard in white will be joining along side the Ptera Ranger in October and will retail for 3990 yen. He is shown to include his two Pla Monsters: the White Garuda and Cerberus.
In addition, two new photos were uploaded on Tamashi Web’s Ultra Act King Gridman gallery.
Much like the Thunder Gridman released last year, these new photos show that a dummy Gridman body will be included with this release. As the dummy Gridman body works the same as the Ultra Act Griman figure released last year, the armor will be made compatible with the Ultra Act Gridman figure and can be used in place of the dummy if so desired.