From the same guys that released the previous Digimon anime seasons in North America, NVG or New Video Group will again be releasing a new season, this time, it will be the fourth Digimon anime series, Digimon Frontier.
The series is due out September 10th for around 80 bucks. As with the previous release Digimon Tamers, Frontier is expect to be the english dub. Packaged along with the 8 dvd’s containing the entire 50 episode run is a 36 page character guide book and villain photo gallery.
The plot of the series is as follows:
Long ago, a group of ten Digimon sacrificed themselves to defeat an ultimate evil that threatened the Digital World. These Ancient Warriors created artifacts from their data, the twenty “Spirits” (ten Beast spirits and ten Human spirits, one of each for each element), before leaving the Digital World in the care of the three Celestial Digimon. However, one of the three, Cherubimon begins a reign of terror. To counter this, the Celestial Digimon Ophanimon summons five children from the human world into the Digital World via the train-like Trailmon.
This series has actually been of the black sheep in the digimon family often sited as the least liked in the franchise. Often the reason for this is that there are no partner digimon that the kids train, but rather the children become the digimon themselves. The other reason is that the kids despite getting several power ups are often punching bags through out the series. They are beaten and their powers taken away from them more often than belts changing hands in Kamen Rider Faiz. Never the less the series is set to hit our stores this fall.
Frank Bromley
May 25, 2013 @ 7:05 am
that’s funny cause it’s one of my favorite series with the exception of series 3 where the final powerup involves merging w the digimon the tamers really don’t do much
Naleen Phimmasone
May 25, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
Agreed it’s actually arguably my favorite in the franchise.
Joe Tonello
May 26, 2013 @ 6:17 pm
Thanks for the comments guys! I will admit the show is not bad and I was merely siting various reviews and critics before. This was indeed the black sheep of the series, that was until, “Boys Who Hunt Through Time” came out. Then it just became the grey sheep of the family. I personally had no problem with it for the most part. Just the constant power stealing got on my nerves is all.