Nito’s high school friend Tsuchiya arrives in town, having discovered a job offer that will pay Â¥1 million for a day’s work. Nito joins him on the interview, but Haruto and Koyomi suspect something is off.
The Kyoryugers discover Dogold’s true identity is that of Utsusemimaru, the Sengoku period’s Kyoryu Gold. Daigo tries to figure out a way to defeat Utsusemimaru’s swordsmanship by asking Souji’s father for help in swords training, Ian and Nobuharu try to figure out how to stop the Deboss-controlled Pteragordon, Amy and Souji are still captured by the Deboss Army, Utsusemimaru finally regains his memories, and Torin tries to find a way to save everyone from danger.