This summer, S.H.Figuarts will be going old school with the revelation of Classic Rider 1, as he appeared in the original 1971 TV series, revealed in this latest issue of Figureoh Magazine!
Of course a hero always needs a villain to fight, and announced along side Classic Rider 1, we have the Shocker Grunt! Surprisingly, both figures appear to have been announced as mass retail releases for July/August. Rider 1 will retail for 2940 yen, Shocker Grunt’s price is unknown at the time.
We also have a list of Web Exclusive figures confirmed for August, although no pictures have been released yet. Come August, we’ll be seeing the last of the Dragon Styles, with Land Dragon and Hurricane Dragon. The list confirms that Beast Hyper will sadly be released via Tamashi Web, along with Ultra Act King Gridman, AKA Pharomo from the Super Human Samurai Cybersquad series. At this time only King Gridman’s price is known: 5775 yen.
And in a surprise announcement, it seems as though the Boukengers will be released in a two pack, and the first to be released will be Bouken Blue and Bouken Black A full team was shown last year on display at the Tamashi Nations Akiba show room and at various toy shows, it seems as though we’ll see the full team just in time for Akibaranger season 2!
March 21, 2013 @ 4:23 pm
Black and Blue coming in a two pack is a wonderful idea. We could get full teams in no time if they continue this, and the line does better 😛
March 22, 2013 @ 4:44 am
Is the Boukenger 2-pack an exclusive?
March 22, 2013 @ 2:10 pm
Yes, the 2 pack is exclusive.
March 22, 2013 @ 7:18 pm
I’ve already got two Rider 1’s so I may as well get the third. Not sure on getting Shocker Grunts though