1. Ash Satoshi
    February 9, 2013 @ 10:17 am

    LOL I can’t help but laugh at this. They’ve pretty much spoiled the whole movie with this synopsis. Unless they might pull off another shitty plot twist like the one with Diend in SHT.

  2. Charles Chiam Chuang Chao
    February 9, 2013 @ 10:39 am

    And where do the other Riders & Sentais & Space Sheriffs that came before curent one fit into the picture?

  3. Keith Justice Hayward
    February 9, 2013 @ 1:17 pm

    I gotta say I dig this plot. I think the problem with the first one at this heart as that it was “ALL THE TOKUSATSU!” But when you have THAT MANY larger than life characters that have ALL save the Earth or all of existence, there’s NO WAY it can make sense. Buuut… this here is lowering the ambition to be more of a “Adventures in the Tokusatsu Universe” which can be a lot of fun and without having too much of everyone being main characters… you can pull off some more fun and grounded stories that can use the Toku Universe as a pretty fun stage. I hope Koichi Sakamoto directs the last in the trilogy…… and that they just make a TV Series out of it. O__O And that… is my unpopular opinion.

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