Earlier, we announced “Kamen Rider: Battle Ride Wars“, an upcoming Musou style PS3 game from Namco. This is the first image of the game in action, showing Kabuto in Masked Form, Rider Form and fighting against an army of Worms using his motorcycle.
Japanese magazine Famitsu explains that the game will be similar gameplay to the Dynasty Warriors series; the player taking control of one character versus hundreds of weaker enemies. You will be able to ride the characters signature motorcycles or face enemies one-on-one. Currently, only Heisei Riders have been announced.
The regular edition will 7,480 yen, while the Premium TV Sound Edition will retail for 10,480 yen. The Premium TV Sound Edition contains 30 extra music tracks from all the various series featured in the game, and can be used as an extra custom soundtrack setting in the game.
The game is set for release 28th May 2013 on Playstation 3.
Maurice Carroll
January 16, 2013 @ 10:15 am
So anyway to get this in the states?
January 16, 2013 @ 2:31 pm
Only way is to import it once it comes out.
Dark Kabuto
January 16, 2013 @ 4:22 pm
I wouldn’t hold my breath for a US release. PS3s are region free, however.
Vongola Primo
January 17, 2013 @ 1:37 am
will this have an english subtitle?