[The Official Discussion Thread]
Nothing but Tokusatsu in this installment of HJU Radio. What have been geeking on? JETMAN. What else? SUPER HERO TAISEN! Let’s get right in to it, shall we?
Special Ops Team of Geeks:
Tom Constantine
Mike Dent
Special thanks to the Famous IGADEVIL! for this episode’s graphic and the kickass graphic you’ll see on your mp3 player while you play this episode.
Special thanks to forum member Inui Takumi. Without his post-production work, there would be no show. Check out more of his work at RisingSunTokusatsu.
December 4, 2012 @ 3:50 pm
Personally I’m skeptical about whether the next Super Hero War movie will be an ensemble like this one was. I’m betting It’s just going to be Kamen Rider Wizard X Kyoryuger, like it is with the other crossovers they do every year.
December 5, 2012 @ 7:26 am
I also like KUUGA! dont be shamed!!