Movie-only forms are not uncommon for Kamen Riders. In Movie Taisen Ultimatum, Kamen Rider Fourze gains yet another “ultimate strongest form”
By using the Fusion Switch along with the Nadeshiko Switch, which contains all of Nadeshiko’s powers, Fourze is able to transform into the Meteor Nadeshiko Fusion States. The appearance might be very similar to the Meteor Fusion States, but this one is way stronger. He now has blue eyes and two Rider Rocket Missiles on his arms. The ski-looking things on his legs aren’t skis at all! Those are the Hovering Lifter.
 The Hovering Lifter allows Fourze to soar through the air and glide on the ground super fast! The Fourze Engage Ring allows Wizard to enter Fourze’s Underworld, but why would he need to go there!?
 Wizard uses the W, OOO, Accel and Birth Wizard Rings to summon the previous Riders.
 Just like the original Inazuman, Jiro is able to transform in Inazuman from the Sannagiman by shouting Summon Ultimate Power! This Inazuman also has the same special attack as the original, the Psychokinetic Chop! He eventually fights against the Hercules Zodiarts.
November 26, 2012 @ 5:37 am
Inazuman design clear looks AWESOME, looking forward to seeing him in the movie
November 26, 2012 @ 6:05 am
I don’t get it. Is there like a policy “All fourze forms have to be ugly” ? Also Inazuman’s speedo bothers me.